- Best INSANE stunt so far 迄今为止最好的特技跳跃
- I admit I could not be so far ben as Ivan. 我承认我不能像伊文一样受到赏识。
- It's the hottest day I've had so far. 这是迄今为止我经历的最热的一天。
- I can help you in so far as I can. 我会尽力去帮助你的。
- So far as English composition is concerned, practice is the best way. 就英语作文而言,练习是最好的方法。
- So far as know, no widow ever elope. 据迄今所知,从未有过寡妇私奔的。
- We didn't go so far as the others. 我们走得不如其他人远。
- I have had no reply from her so far. 我至今没有得到她的答复。
- So far from taking my advice, he went and did just what I warned him against. 他非但不接受我的劝告,反而去做了我告诫他别做的事。
- Titanic is regarded as his Best film so far. 泰坦尼克号被认为是到目前为止他拍得最好的影片。
- From the evidence we have heard so far ... 就我们所知的证据来说。。。
- Our view are not so far apart, after all. 我们的见解毕竟没有多大的分歧。
- So far our price has standed the competition well. 迄今为止,我们的价格一直是经得起竞争的。
- Our views are not so far apart, after all. 我们的想法毕竟没有多大的分歧。
- So far the search for the missing boy has been fruitless. 到目前为止,还没有找到那失踪的男孩。
- So far there is no magic bullet for economic woes. 到目前为止还没有解决经济困难的妙法。
- I hope your trip has been going well so far. 希望您这趟出差迄今一切都好。
- So far, the evidence hangs together well. 到目前为止,证据还是相符的。
- What is the best gem you've seen so far? 你所见过的最好的宝石是什么?
- From his experience so far, chi-kung was the best. 以他过往的经验而言,气功是最好的。