- Beta test Reiter 贝考瑞特
- Closed beta test starts soon also in Japan. 日本也已经马上内测开始。
- We will notify participants when the beta test is nearing completion. 当测试接近尾声,我们会通告参与测试者。
- Beta testing will start in Winter. 测试将开始在冬季。
- The Open Beta Test will be available preceding the final release. The Open Beta will only last a short period. 会在正式发行之前进行,但是公开测试时间不会很长。
- All I can say is what I'm told: we still plan to release some kind of beta test by the end of the year. 我们仍然计划在年底之前发布测试版本。
- Earlier this month we wrote about Daniel Oran, who is using the Amazon Kindle to beta test his book. 本月初我们写的丹尼尔奥兰,谁在使用亚马逊点燃,以测试他的著作。
- Go into beta testing and acquire final client approval. 进入到版本测试阶段,以获得客户的最终的确认。
- Are you willing to complete test scenarios and surveys while beta testing? 你是否愿意完成测试场景和调查,同时进行测试?
- We do the coding and beta testing job simultaneously. 写代码和测试是同时进行的。
- Beta testing of AVG 8.0 SP2 build will be held in two phases. 测试的平均值8.;0 SP2的建设将分两阶段举行。
- Welcome to our Medical English course free beta testing. 欢迎来到我们的医学英语课程免费测试站。
- Amazon's Kindle (see our full review) seemed like the perfect solution for Oran's online book beta test. 亚马逊的点燃(见我们全面检讨)好像的完美解决方案奥兰的在线图书测试。
- Oran decided that for his sophomore novel, "Believe," he would do what he knew from the software world: he was would run a beta test. 奥兰决定,对于他大二的小说, “相信” ,他会做什么,他知道从软件的世界:他会运行一个测试。
- From the close beta test period,
has been winning many users' favors with its unique game style and abundant game options. 自游戏内测以来便以独特的游戏风格、丰富的游戏设定赢得了众多玩家的喜爱! - From an author using Amazon's Kindle ebook reader to beta test his book to one using blog comments to peer review another. 从作者使用亚马逊的点燃电子书阅读器,以测试他的著作,以一个使用博客的评论,以同侪审查。
- In addition to giving you the opportunity to become a terror from the deep, the goody bag you receive will also contain an access code for an upcoming Blizzard beta test. 另外我们还将给你一个成为一个来自深渊的统治者的机会,你所收到礼品袋还会包含一个我们即将发行的游戏测试版的验证码。。。
- We will continue to accept applications throughout the beta testing phase. 我们将继续到接受应用遍及贝它伤脑筋的阶段.
- These Units will take part as first in the IOW 2 Beta test, starting between December 1st and December 15th (we cannot say now exact Date, because of some Delay in Programming). 12月1日至12月15日之间(因为程序延迟,我们无法确定具体的日期)开始以下单位加入测试。
- When is the Closed Beta Test? 什么时候封测?