- Bidders Master File Listing 投标人文件总目录
- Use Floppy Drive Contents As Master File List, 以软盘中目录作为主文件菜单
- A file which is a collection of change records used to update a master file in batch processing. 在批处理中,修改主文件的全部修改记录的集合所构成的文件。
- Q: Why can't I browse some people's file list? 问:为什么我不能浏览某些用户的文件目录?
- Found inaccurate index. Updating file list... 发现有错误索引。正在更新文件列表...
- Refresh Local File List Automatic. 自动刷新文件列表,建议勾选。
- The Site. Master file is used by the Default. Aspx page only. Site.;master文件仅由Default
- Refresh Remote File List Automatic. 自动刷新远程文。
- RESTORE LOG can now include a file list. RESTORE LOG现在可以包括文件列表。
- Returns a file list from the current directory. 返回当前目录的文件列表。
- Why can't I browse some people's file list? 问:为什么我不能浏览某些用户的文件目录?
- Note that the Blue theme has been applied to the HTML elements and the drop-down list as well as the title and background defined in the master file. 请注意,Blue主题已应用于HTML元素、下拉列表以及在主文件中定义的标题和背景。
- Specifies the. Master file that acts as a master page for a master page. 指定用作某个母版页的.;master文件。
- A good demo of the use of Drive, Directory, and File List Boxes. 对于驱动器的用法,目录和文件列表框都是一个很好的演示。
- Responsible for maintaining product master file for each product of NNTP. 负责保存NNTP所有产品的产品质量档案。
- In 1999, India did not appear on an FDA chart of master files. 1999年,FDA的主文件目录上还没有一家印度公司的名字。
- A set of file extensions used to filter the file list. 用于筛选文件列表的一组文件扩展名。
- The default set of file extensions used to filter the file list. 用于筛选文件列表的默认的文件扩展名集合。
- This issue occurs only on highly fragmented NTFS volumes whose Master File Table (MFT) is also highly fragmented. 问题仅出现在碎片严重的NTFS分区,该分区的主文件表也存在严重碎片。
- A record which results in the creation of a new record in the master file being updated. 在正被更新的主文件中新建立的记录。