- Bingcha Embolus 冰茶栓
- Discern the false embolus signal automatically. 自动识别伪差。
- Such an embolus will kill your patient. 这种栓子可导致病人死亡。
- Such a saddle embolus is a cause for sudden death. 此种鞍状栓子的形成会导致患者的猝死。
- Pteserve the embolus signal and survey parameters. 预设栓子信号探测阈值。
- Of,relating to,or caused by an embolus or an embolism. 栓的栓子的、栓塞的或与之有关的
- Of, relating to, or caused by an embolus or an embolism. 栓的栓子的、栓塞的或与之有关的
- Obstruction or occlusion of a blood vesselby an embolus. 栓塞血管中由栓子形成的障碍或闭塞。
- Because embolus can fall off repeatedly, have a relapse easily so. 由于栓子可以反复脱落,所以容易复发。
- I think she's a prim e candidate for a pulmonary embolus. 我认为她初步的原因是肺部的拴塞物.
- Obstruction or occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus. 栓塞血管中由栓子形成的障碍或闭塞
- Measure the intensity of embolus automatic/manually. 自动/手动测量栓子强度。
- Seen here in a renal artery branch are cholesterol clefts of such an embolus. 图示肾动脉分形成了这种胆固醇栓子。
- Cumulatively, they have the same effect as a large saddle pulmonary embolus. 此种病变慢慢发展,最终可引起与较大的肺部鞍状血栓栓塞一样的后果。
- An embolus from a cardiac valvular vegetation from the left side of the heart can travel out the systemic circulation. 主动脉瓣的赘生物脱落形成栓子进入血液循环。
- The infarction seen here has punctate hemorrhages. This infarct was caused by an embolus. 图示梗死为小斑点状出血,梗死由栓子引起。
- An area of tissue that undergoes necrosis as a result of obstruction of local blood supply, as by a thrombus or an embolus. 梗塞如由于血栓或栓子的原因,局部血液供应不畅而引发局部组织坏死
- Here is a cerebral infarct from an arterial embolus, which often leads to a hemorrhagic appearance. 动脉栓子引起的脑梗死,常导致出血性外观。
- Amniotic fluid embolization can have the same outcome as a large saddle pulmonary embolus. 羊水栓塞可产生类似于大鞍状血栓引起的肺动脉栓塞的后果。
- Pulmonary embolus is a blood clot formed somewhere else in the body that travels to the lung. 肺栓塞是由于在身体其它部位所(尤其腿部深度静脉中)形成的栓子游走滞留在肺动脉所形成的。