- Biotech and the New Science 生物科技与新科学
- A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you! 给你特别的祝福,愿圣诞和新年带给你无边的幸福、如意!
- Our best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. 谨祝圣诞快乐和新年如意!
- And the new drawings for the toy spaceship. 还有玩具太空船的新草图。
- I think, Yorkshire and the New Forest. 我想,是约克郡和新森林地区。
- He took down the old picture and the new one. 他把旧画摘下来,把新的挂上。
- Used to be traded between Africa and the New World. 过去,在非洲和新大陆之间进行着奴隶买卖。
- They sang the old year out and the new year in. 他们唱歌辞旧迎新。
- Then, the new words and the sentence structures . 最后是本文中的生词和一些句式。
- I can't find fault with the new restaurant: the food is good and the service is excellent. 我无法对那家新餐馆吹毛求疵:食品很好,服务也是一流的。
- Most of the new independent countries in Africa have kept the language and the school system set up by the Europeans. 大多数非洲新独立的国家仍保留着欧洲人原来使用的语言和制定的教育制度。
- The party began at 11 o'clock, an hour before the witching hour when the old year ended and the new began. 晚会在11点钟开始,1小时后就到了旧岁结束新年来临的午夜时分。
- TEDA high-tech industries feature electronic communication, IT, optic-mechanical integration, biotech and the pharmaceutical industry. 天津开发区高新技术产业以电子、信息、光机电一体化、生物、医药产业为主。
- The solvent extraction, which is closely related to the biotech and the pharmaceutical industries, is a very important part in the chemical industry. 有着对生物技术、制药行业密切相关的溶剂萃取;是化工行业中十分重要的一部分;尤其是超临界二氧化碳流体萃取技术(Supercritical Fluid Extraction;缩写SFE.;)
- The New Monarchies and the Invasion of Italy. 新君主制和意大利入侵。
- Dayan was a singular blend of the old and the new. 在达扬身上兼有新旧两种人物的特征。
- These are the new stereotype and the new dogma. 这些就都是新八股、新教条。
- It was a good mix of the old and the new. 这是新旧的完美结合。
- Then,the new words and the sentence strctures . 最后是本文中的生词和一些句式
- Time passes and the old gives place to the new. 光阴飞逝, 推陈出新。