- Black Voting Right 黑人选举权
- Why abandon the voting right in political election? 浅析政治选举中的不投票行为?
- The convicted are usually deprived of voting right. 通常囚犯是被剥夺选举权的。
- I received a large majority of the black vote, as I had in Georgia. 与在乔治亚州一样,我赢得了南卡罗来纳州大多数的黑人选票。
- Affiliate shall pay the admission fee but have no voting right at the AGM. 附属会员须交会费,但在会员周年大会上没有投票权。
- Obama won almost all the black vote but just a quarter of the white vote. 奥巴马赢得了几乎全部的黑人选票和四分之一的白人选票。
- Owners of debentures do not have voting rights. 信用债券的所有人没有选择权。
- In 1965 a new Voting Rights Bill became law. 1965年一项新的选举权法案变成了法律。
- Founder and Full Members have FULL voting rights. 创会会员及正式会员拥有正式表决权。
- So their voting rights will increase. 因此他们的投票权利将会提高。
- Hon Advisor shall not pay membership fees and hold equal voting right at the AGM. 荣誉顾问不需交会费或年费,在会员周年大会上亦没有投票权。
- If they had to choose, Democratic candidates would probably pick the black vote over the Latino one: it is bigger and more partisan. 如果可以选择的话,民主党竞选者大概会选择黑人选民,而不是拉丁裔:因为黑人选民数量更多,而且更加忠诚。
- Last year, in a special election, a Latina stood against two African-American candidates.If the black vote had split, she might have won. 在去年的补选中,一个拉丁裔候选人与两名非洲裔美国人同台竞争,如果黑人选民的投票分散开来,那么她就有可能获胜。
- The creditors conference has one chairman who will be appointed by the peoples court among creditors of voting right. 债权人会议设主席一人,由人民法院从有表决权的债权人中指定。
- Women were only conceded full voting rights in the 1950s. 妇女在20世纪50年代才被容许完全享有选举权。
- The creditor may attend the creditors' meeting by proxy to exercise its voting right. 债权人可以委托代理人出席债权人会议,行使表决权。
- Voting Right The right of a stockholder to vote on matters of corporate policy making as well as on who will compose the board of directors. 指股东对公司企业政策以及董事会成员等事宜进行投票的权力。
- Members have no voting right as to the constitution, the operation or management of the Club and no right in or claim over any assets of the Club. 会员对本会之组织、运作或管理并无投票权,对本会之任何财产亦无任何权利或追索权。
- Members who attend the meetings of the committee but who are not its members, do not have any voting right in respect of the business of the committee. 出席委员会会议的议员若非该委员会的委员,在该委员会的事务上没有表决权。
- In order to get this MVP vote right, the voters have to be willing to throw away the book and make their own rules. 为了让这次MVP的投票是正确的,参与投票的人务必要抛开书上的东西而做出属于自己的选择。