- And a rejected baby black panther has been adopted by a dog. 在塞尔维亚,一只被遗弃的小黑豹已被一只狗收养。
- Sorry I had a fight in the middle of your Black Panther party. 对不起我在你们黑豹党聚会上打架。
- And a rejected baby black panther in Serbia has been adopted by a dog. 塞尔维亚,一只遭遗弃的黑豹幼崽被一只狗收养。
- The black panther was brought from Peru's Zoo as part of an exchange program with Chile's Zoo. 这只黑豹是秘鲁动物园与智利动物园之间的交换计画,而被送来圣地牙哥。
- Known as the Black Panther, Eusebio was in the Benfica side that lost to Inter in the 1964/65 European Cup final. 尤西比奥拥有“黑豹”的美誉,1964-1965赛季,他作为本菲卡队的球员参加了欧洲冠军杯决赛,负于了国际米兰。
- Black Panther members Fred Hampton and Mark Clark are shot and killed in their sleep during a raid by 14 Chicago police officers. 年,黑豹成员弗瑞德·汉普顿和马克·克拉克在睡眠中在14名芝加哥警察的突袭中中弹身亡。
- His favorite launchers include the black panther and the tank, which a mascot can actually climb inside to stir up excitement. 他最喜爱的发射器包括“黑色豹和坦克”,事实上吉祥物可以爬到该发射器里面去调动人们的情绪。
- I was, Stephen said with energy and growing fear.Out here in the dark with a man I don't know raving and moaning to himself about shooting a black panther. “是啊,”斯蒂芬越来越感到恐怖,热切地说,“黑咕隆咚地在郊外,跟一个满口胡话、哼哼卿卿要射杀一只黑豹的陌生人呆在一块儿。
- Dongan integrated into a dedicated black panther will be motor vehicles and parts manufacturing operations in asset quality, profitability will be significantly improved. 整合后的东安黑豹将被注入专用汽车及其零部件制造业务的优质资产,盈利性将得到明显改善。
- In 1989, Black Panther co-founder Huey P. Newton was shot to death in Oakland, California (Gunman Tyrone Robinson was later sentenced to 32 years to life in prison.) . 1968年,罗马教皇保罗六世拜访哥伦比亚首都波哥大,这是第一位罗马教皇拜访拉丁美洲!
- "After 1965, militant groups such as the Black Panther Party split off from the civil rights movement, and riots in Black ghettos and King's assassination caused many supporters to withdraw. 1965年以后,由于民权运动内部的分裂,好战的支派黑豹党从民权运动分离出来,黑人住区暴乱频生,加上金遇刺身亡,导致许多支持者开始退却。
- Long allied with controversial causes,he gave a fund-raiser for the Black Panthers that inspired the term radical chic. 他长期同有争议的事业关系密切,曾给博得激进时髦人物称号的黑豹党人举办过一次筹集基金的音乐会。
- Long allied with controversial causes, he gave a fund-raiser for the Black Panthers that inspired the term radical chic. 他长期同有争议的事业关系密切,曾给博得激进时髦人物称号的黑豹党人举办过一次筹集基金的音乐会。
- Unfortunately for Bernstein, one of the more prominent causes for which he organised a fund-raising reception was that of the Black Panthers. 他曾大张旗鼓为黑豹党人组织了一次资金筹募会。不幸的是,这次著名的活动却招致了大祸。
- He was in black from crew to earing. 他全身上下都穿着黑衣服。
- He whipped up a pistol and shot at the black bear. 他急忙抓起手枪,向那头黑熊射击。
- Many people were taken off by the Black Plague. 许多人被黑死病夺去了生命。
- The man is carrying a small black plastic handbag. 这个人提着一个黑色的小塑料提袋。
- The old trade in black ivory is on more. 昔日非洲黑奴的买卖已不复存。
- The black sedan suddenly drew out into the traffic. 黑色轿车突然开动,驶进了车流。