- Black soil in Cold area 寒地黑土
- Person in cold area's are higher than tropics. 寒冷地区的人高于热带地区的人。
- wetland soft soil in cold area 寒区湿地软土
- People in cold areas live longer. 寒带地区的人寿命较长。
- Analysis on water-adjustment capacity of black soil in the farmland. 农田黑土水分调节能力分析。
- The atmosphere is heavy in cold areas and its pressure is big. 冷的地方空气重,压力大。
- Hg(mercury)concentration of black soil in Yushu city of Jilin Province was investigated,and influencing factors were analyzed. 调查了吉林省榆树市黑土的汞含量状况,并分析了土壤及粮食作物的汞含量的影响因素。
- A fir is an evergreen tree with needlelike leaves that grows especially in cold area. 冷杉是一种针叶常绿树,尤在寒冷地区生长。
- Through field investigation and soil fertility index analysis, causes and mechanism of fertility degradation of black soil in the Songliao Plain were explored. 摘要通过田间调查和土壤肥力指标分析,探讨了松辽平原玉米带黑土肥力退化的原因和机理。
- This paper analyzes the causations of frost heaving of road and conformation building in cold area. 对寒冷地区出现的道路、构造物冻胀现象进行了分析,阐述了冻胀产生的原因,并提出了几项防止冻胀的措施。
- Ice is a ubiquitous water phenomenon in cold area rivers,the change of water level during ice jam is one the uppermost phenomena in ice jam reach. 冰凌是冬季寒冷地区河流上普遍存在的一种水文现象,冰塞期间水位的变化是冰塞河段最主要的现象之一。
- Ice jam of pipes for transporting oil and gas in winter threatens momently the safety running of petrochemical units in cold area. 在寒冷地区的冬季,用输油管道输油时,通过常年冻土地带的管线,其输送的油中的水会在管内壁结冰,严重时会发生冰堵事故。
- Secondly,for its empirical estimation,the soil AWC of black soils in northeast China was studied by statistics, and its estimating models were established. 其次,运用统计技术,对我国东北黑土土壤AWC进行了经验估算研究并建立相应的估算模型。
- Ice is a ubiquitous water phenomenon in cold area rivers,the change of thickness and water level during ice jam is one the uppermost phenomena in ice jam reach. 冰凌是冬季寒冷地区河流上普遍存在的一种水文现象,冰塞期间冰塞厚度和水位变化是冰塞河段最主要的现象之一。
- The soil in that county is very poor. 那个县的土壤十分贫瘠。
- Douglas put away Collins in cold blood. 道格拉斯蓄意杀死了柯林斯。
- Hu G,Wu Y Q,Liu B Y et al.Short-term gully retreat rates in the rolling hills of the black soils in NE China.Catena,2007 (in press). [刘绪军;景国臣;齐恒玉.;克拜黑土区沟壑冻融侵蚀主要形态特征初探
- This liquid gels faster in cold weather. 这种液体天冷时凝结得快些。
- Rich black soil; black, wavy hair. 肥沃的黑土; 黑色卷发
- The result by using dodecylammonium method indicated high-charge smectites was main factor for swelling and contracting of black soils in eastern Taiwan. 应用此方法可以得知,带较高电荷的蒙特石为控制黑色土膨胀收缩的主因。