- A small European warbler(Sylvia atricapilla),the male of which is gray with a black crown. 黑顶林莺欧洲一种体形小的鸣禽(黑顶林莺),其雄性为灰色并有黑色肉冠
- A black rump, a black crown with a bold white flash, and a white line over the eye. 除了双翼有白色条纹 其余背部和两眼四周是黑白相间
- A small European warbler(Sylvia atricapilla), the male of which is gray with a black crown. 黑顶林莺欧洲一种体形小的鸣禽(黑顶林莺),其雄性为灰色并有黑色肉冠
- Less visible breeding areas hold nest sites for Black Crowned and Yellow Crowned Night Herons, Great Blue Heron, Great and Snowy Egret, Glossy Ibis and Barn Owl. 黑冠和黄冠夜鹭、蓝鹭、大白鹭、雪鹭、朱鹭和猫头鹰的很难见到他们的巢,在这里是可以看到的。
- House Dustin of Barrowton - Two rusted longaxes with black shafts crossed, a black crown between their points, on yellow. 两把生锈的长斧在黑色的手柄处相交,上方悬一黑色王冠,黄色衬底。
- small brownish-gray warbler with a black crown. 有黑色头冠的褐灰色小莺。
- yellow wood warbler with a black crown. 有黑色肉冠的黄色林莺。
- Palm Tanagern. 棕榈裸鼻雀
- He was in black from crew to earing. 他全身上下都穿着黑衣服。
- Gray-crowned Palm Tanagern. 灰顶椶树唐纳雀
- He whipped up a pistol and shot at the black bear. 他急忙抓起手枪,向那头黑熊射击。
- Many people were taken off by the Black Plague. 许多人被黑死病夺去了生命。
- Black-crowned Palm Tanagern. 黑顶椶树唐纳雀
- The man is carrying a small black plastic handbag. 这个人提着一个黑色的小塑料提袋。
- The old trade in black ivory is on more. 昔日非洲黑奴的买卖已不复存。
- The black sedan suddenly drew out into the traffic. 黑色轿车突然开动,驶进了车流。
- I have a snag in my best black tights. 我最好的一条黑裤袜给划破了。
- He fell down the stairs and was all black and blue. 他从楼梯跌下而青一块紫一块了。
- Black and white show a striking contrast. 黑和白形成明显的对比。
- She buy a black nightie to wear on her honeymoon. 她买了一件黑色睡衣准备在蜜月时穿。