- Blackens the projected image 遮闭投影图像
- These distances, in turn, govern the size of the projected image. 另外,焦距也会掌控投影的大小。
- Sparkle: Printed-in dirt that causes white dirt in the projected image. 白点:印片时沾到的灰尘,使放映影像上产生白点。
- The image is separated into two portions;the projected image of the work surface, and the writing physically added to the whiteboard by participants. 该图像被分割成两个部分:工作表面的投影的图像,以及由参与者实际添加到白板的书写内容。
- An auto convergence system shall be provided to automatically align the projected image on the screen manual convergence shall also be possible. 必须提供一个自动调焦系统以排列要放映的图像。同样的,也可以人工调焦。
- If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 如果大家都尽责,这个项目肯定会成功。
- The project as being undertaken on a small scale. 这个工程在小规模地进行着。
- The current paper dicusses the basic principle of how to solve the precise measurement and calculation of FOD, FDD, and the correction of the geometrical distortion of the projected image. 由于图像增强器与图像获取装置本身固有特点以及非线性获取成像 ,投影图像存在几何畸变。 讨论了图像几何畸变校正的基本原理 ,并给出具体步骤以及校正后的图像
- The project was viewed favorably by the committee. 那计划受到该委员会的好评。
- Dr Bi has, however, gone further than just eliminating speckle.He notes that if the red laser light used is made redder and the blue laser light made bluer, the gamut of the projected image increases. 毕博士不但解决了光斑的问题,更是进一步发现,在使用的红色和蓝色激光颜色加深的情况下,投影图像的色域也随着加宽。
- The project is far from perfect. 这项企划很不完美。
- You must employ someone to oversee the project. 你得雇个人监督这一工程。
- The project is not finished but is till in process. 该项工程尚未结束,仍在进行之中。
- I will join in the project, heart and hand. 我会满腔热情地参加这项工程。
- The government has ratified the project. 政府已经批准了这个项目。
- The large Color prints, large Monochrome prints and the Projected Images sections have the most numbers. 大型彩色照片、大型黑白照片和投影影响单元通常有最多的展览数量。
- The smoke had blackened the white walls of the kitchen. 烟把厨房白色的墙壁熏黑了。
- The project is financed by a charitable trust. 这项工程是由慈善基金机构赞助的。
- The project is running into financial difficulties. 这一项目遇到了财务困难。
- The project ran into difficulties. 这项工程遇到了困难。