- Blame beer gut on genes 基因导致啤酒肚?
- Some people may be able to blame their beer bellies at least partially on genes, a new study out of Sweden suggests. 一项瑞典的科学研究称,某些人的“啤酒肚”可能与基因有一定联系。
- Heat makes objects expand. I blame my gut on Global Warming! 热使物体膨胀,我胀肚的责任在全球(气候)变暖。
- AK: Again, I'm going to blame it on genes, but my shortest friend is possibly 6’ 3’’. 重申:这是基因的问题。我最矮的朋友是6尺3寸。
- Women will never be equel to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they look beautiful. 除非女人顶着秃头和啤酒肚走在大街上时还认为自己是美女,否则永远都不可能跟男人平等。
- Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy. 女人和男人怎么会一样?如果一个女人光头,挺着啤酒肚子走在街上晃晃悠悠还能觉得自己性感,那时候才叫真正的一样!
- No beer guts, replica jerseys, Burberry ball caps, or gold chains. 不会开怀畅饮,不穿俱乐部球衣,不戴防水球帽,或者金项链。
- American geneticist.He won a1946Nobel Prize for the study of the hereditary effect of x - rays on genes. 墨勒,赫尔曼·约瑟夫1890-1967美国遗传学家,因研究X射线对基因遗传的影响而获1946年诺贝尔奖
- American geneticist. He won a1946 Nobel Prize for the study of the hereditary effect of x-rays on genes. 墨勒,赫尔曼·约瑟夫1890-1967美国遗传学家,因研究X射线对基因遗传的影响而获1946年诺贝尔奖
- a beer gut(= caused by drinking beer) 啤酒肚
- It is inconsistent to attribute such a short lag period to a result of an auxin effect on gene activity. 将如此短暂的延迟期归结为生长素作用于基因活性的结果走不合适的。
- THame spasm made YUE tigHamten Hamis gut on HAM's member and made HAM come almost at tHame same time. 这个痉挛使亚连缩紧他的内壁,夹紧了灏明的分身,让灏明也几乎同时释放出来。
- We got really tanked up on whisky and beer. 我们喝威士忌和啤酒喝醉了。
- Effects on LDL-C and AI,as well as on gene expression of TSG were first reported. 其中,TSG对于LDL-C和AI的调节作用,以及对基因表达的影响为首次报道。
- Caspase family is highly similar to the protein CED of Caenorhabditis elegans on gene sequence and protein structure. Caspase是与秀丽隐杆线虫死亡蛋白CED在基因序列和蛋白质结构上高度同源的一个蛋白家族,该家族蛋白是细胞凋亡执行的重要分子,直接参与凋亡启动、凋亡信号传递及凋亡效应过程。
- Investigators focused on gene TNFSF4 (TNF superfamily member 4) and the receptor gene TNFRSF4, both on chromosome 1. 研究者集中研究1号染色体上的TNFSF4基因(TNF超家族成员4)及TNFRSF4受体基因。
- Have a glass of beer to rinse your dinner down. 喝杯啤酒把你吃的晚饭冲下去。
- This paper reviewed the research progress on gene structure, regulation and cellular function of PLD. 植物 PLD的总体域结构相似,只是不同类型之间在某些单元上有重要差异。
- Have you seen the gut on him! 你看到他那大肚子了吧!
- Don't try and fasten the blame on me. 别想把过错推到我头上。