- Blogger in Beta Label Clouds 添加标签云
- VMM 2008 adds support for Hyper-V and is in beta. vmm 2008年增加了支持超V和是试用版。
- Make friends with expert bloggers in your niche. 在你的领域与专家交朋友。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- Will we stand for the human rights of the dissident in Burma, the blogger in Iran, or the voter in Zimbabwe? 我们是否愿意为缅甸的政见不同者,伊朗的网络作家以及津巴布韦的选民说话?
- The Workplace Managed Client 2.5 Is currently in beta and is scheduled to ship in mid-2005. Workplace Managed Client 2.;5目前是在测试中;并计划2005年中发行。
- Arnon D I.1949.Copper enzymes in isolated chlorolasts.Polyphenoloxidase in Beta vulgaris.Plant Physiology,24:1-15. 贾洪革.;2000
- In Beta phase, we need to test implementations of all features and integration of all TRC. 而在Beta阶段,我们就要求测试所有的功能特征的实现,及所有TRC的整合;
- In the evening the rosy clouds were gorgeous. 傍晚的云霞绚丽多彩。
- US President Barack Obama has engaged in an unprecedented written exchange with a blogger in Cuba who is openly critical of its communist government. 美国总统奥巴马与古巴公开批评其共产主义政府的某博客作者展开空前的书面交谈。
- "Kale is very high in beta carotene, vitamin K, vitamin C, lutein, zeaxanthin, and reasonably rich in calcium. " Kale 其实就是卷心菜的一种,味道也差不多,是健康食品。
- Shan, is an active and nice blogger in Chinese Blogging world, who enjoys her life very much with ring-a-ding and optimistic style!!! 珊姑娘,在华文部落格世界里是位很活跃又很棒的博友,而她以很开朗又乐观的想法来享受她的生活呢!!!
- The M14 is a monosomic addition line of Beta corolliflora in Beta vulgaris (VV, 2n=18) which consists of 19 chromosomes (VV+1C, 2n=19). 甜菜单体附加系M14品系(VV+1C,2n=19)是栽培甜菜(Beta vulgaris,2n=18)染色体组附加了白花甜菜(Beta corolliflora)第9号染色体。
- Her schemes are usually up in the clouds. 她的计划常常是不切实际的。
- This database is still considered to be "in beta" (under development), so there are still kinks to be worked out of it, but it looks very promising. 该数据库仍然是被视为“试用版”(正在开发中),所以它仍然有需要解决的缺陷,但它看起来非常有前途。
- There were masses of dark clouds in the sky. 天上有朵朵乌云。
- The best places to get new and interesting sites that haven’t been gamed for popularity are new web engines that are still in beta. 说到移动电话,许多人都相信手机的照相功能可以成为真正数码照相机的替代品。然而事实上,跟市场上真正的相机比起来手机往往相形见拙。
- The following information is subject to change, as the game is currently in Beta Phase and does not reflect the final product. 下面的信息是可能会变化的,因为目前游戏还处于测试阶段,不代表游戏的最终效果。
- What are the relative frequencies in beta sheet proteins of the various possible pairwise arrangements of of beta-hairpin motifs (Chapter 2)? 一般认为与蛋白质表面有交互作用的水丛集为何?
- The aircraft was swallowed (up) in the clouds. 飞机已没入云中。