- Blood Plus One Night Kiss 血深夜之吻
- One night, we closed with the enemy. 一天晚上,我们和敌人遭遇了。
- Two plus one is not the same as two minus one. 2加1和2减1不一样。
- Holly went to a fortune teller one night and had her fortune read. 霍莉有天晚上去找算命先生给她算了一命。
- The POWs burst out from(of) that Nazi concentration camp one night. 一天夜里战俘们冲出了那个纳粹集中营。
- Range plus one optional discrete miss. 缺省值的范围并加一个随意的离散值。
- Two plus one is not the same as two minus one . 2加1和2减1不一样。
- One plus one equals three or more. 一加一等于三甚至更多。
- Sixteen plus one is also seventeen. 十六加一也是十七.
- He stayed one night in a motel and went on travelling. 他在一家汽车旅馆呆了一晚上,就又接着旅行了。
- One sentence plus one hug = huge encouragement! 一个句子+一个拥抱=巨大的鼓励!
- Nine years plus one year equals a decade. 9年加1年相当于一个十年。
- One night Edison's mother suddenly fell ill. A doctor was called in. 一天晚上,爱迪生的妈妈突然生病了,于是请来了一个医生。
- I remember this one night in Tucson six years ago. 我记得六年前在图桑市的一个晚上。
- We broke our journey at Japan for one night. 我们中途在日本停留了一夜。
- Once,twice,three times,four times,plus one more half. 一周,二周,三周,四周,还有半周。
- The night kiss the fading day whispering to his ear, “I am death, your mother I am to give to fresh birth. 夜轻吻著白昼的耳朵,对他轻语”我是死亡,是你的母亲。我将会予你新生”
- Let me tell you about one night in particular. 让我就跟你说说那个晚上发生的事吧。
- Once, twice three times, four times, plus one more half. 一周,二周,三周,四周,还有半周。
- Hercules we not beget in one night. 英雄不是一个晚上造就的。