- The color scheme of the room is blue and gold. 这个房间的色彩配置是蓝色和金黄色。
- The color schemeof the room is blue and gold. 这个房间的色彩配置是蓝色和金黄色。
- This theme has a background picture of a blue and gold Macaw. 这个主题有一只蓝色和金色的金刚鹦鹉的一张背景画。
- The sun is setting in a brilliant twilight of blue and gold. 太阳在闪耀着蔚蓝和金黄两色的薄暮中入睡了。
- The women had ribbons twined in their unpinned hair, blue and gold and green.Skirts twirled about bare ankles. 女人们散着的长发上,系着蓝色、金色、红色的缎带,裙边儿在裸*露的脚踝处旋转。
- Around the world, the blue and gold gearwheel represents community involvement, international goodwill, and service. 在全世界各地,蓝色及金黄色构成的齿轮徽章代表社区参与、国际亲善、以及服务。
- The restaurant is open and casual with splashes of Mediterranean colour (blue and gold) around the restaurant. 该餐厅为开放和休闲式,餐厅到处是灿烂的地中海颜色(蓝色和金色)。
- The striking red “F” and Foster's blue and gold are instantly recognizable by beer drinkers worldwide. 啤酒爱好者已经对富仕达红色的“F”、蓝色的背景色和金色的镶边非常熟悉。
- The blue and gold of the horizon, the shades of green touching the lagoon, lend spectacular color to this tropical hideaway. 水平线上,蓝色的海水和金色的余晖交接在一起,绿色植物的倒影映在浅海峡的水面上,给这个热带的幽静处增添了壮丽的色彩。
- The colours blue and gold were the original colours of Count Richard Coudenhove Kalergi who first proposed a Pan European Union in 1923. 蓝色和金色则是卡雷尔基博士的原始色,正是卡雷尔基博士于1923年第一次提出了“全欧洲联盟”的概念。
- This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares. 这种布有蓝白格子的图案。
- Pigmentation on lips, nose and eye rims is black except on dilute colors (chocolate, blue and gold dilute) where the pigmentation is also diluted. 色素通常沉淀在嘴唇,鼻子,眼周,一般为黑色,淡色品种(巧克力,减色和金色)色素可能被冲淡。
- England are playing in the blue and white strip. 英格兰队穿著蓝白色运动衣进行比赛。
- One evening,we had remained longer by the window than usual. The weather had been superb and the sun was setting in a brilliant twilight of blue and gold. 一天傍晚,我们坐在窗前,比平时坐得晚了一些,那天天气非常好,太阳在闪耀着蔚蓝和金黄两色的薄暮中入睡了。
- Hammered silver is brought from Tarshish and gold from Uphaz. What the craftsman and goldsmith have made is then dressed in blue and purple- all made by skilled workers. 有银子打成片,是从他施带来的,并有从乌法来的金子,都是匠人和银匠的手工,又有蓝色紫色料的衣服,都是巧匠的工作。
- Copper and gold are both metals. 铜和金都是金属。
- Some breeders in America have crossed various macaw species, where the most popular is blue and gold mated to scarlet, with the resultant youngsters called catalina macaws. 一些美国的繁殖户已经成功杂交了多种金刚鹦鹉,其中最流行的是蓝黄金刚与绯红金刚的杂交,其混血后代被称为卡塔林那金刚。
- One evening, we had remained longer by the window than usual. The weather had been superb and the sun was setting in a brilliant twilight of blue and gold. 一天傍晚,我们坐在窗前,比平时坐得晚了一些,那天天气非常好,太阳在闪耀着蔚蓝和金黄两色的。
- The sky this morning is a mosaic of blue and white. 今天早上的天空是幅蓝白相间的画面。
- Curtains on the large glass doors to the outside patio are held open by blue and gold ropes with big gold tassels on the ends, leaving a very elegant appearance. 把大玻璃门旁蓝色和金色垂线组成的门帘掀开就可以看到外面的院子,非常雅致。