- Bone graft spine fusion 脊柱融合术
- Conclusion The combine bone graft is better method in anterior cervical fusion. 是目前较好的植骨融合方法之一。
- Objective To evaluate the clinical value of Bagby and Kuslich(BAK), polyether ether tetone(PEEK) and iliac bone autograft (IBAG) on cervical spine fusion. 目的评价金属笼状椎间融合器(BAK)、聚醚醚酮椎间融合器(PEEK)、自体髂骨3种颈前路融合材料的临床价值。
- X-ray re-examination of her lumbar spine on Nov. 28, 1996 showed that the intervertebral Bone graft healed with Bony union. 1996年11月28日门诊腰椎X线再查显示信体间植骨片已呈骨性融合。
- Methods The cervical speciments of6 cadavers prepared from decompressing and transplanting fusion anterior with combined iliac bone graft. 方法利用6具颈椎新鲜标本,采用复合骨块与常规髂骨块制成颈前路减压植骨融合标本,以实验应力分析手段观察和评定颈椎的三维稳定性及术后颈椎强度等生物力学指标的变化。
- Methods 82 cases of unstable fractures in thoracolumbar spine were treated with Cotrel-Dubousset(C-D) instrumentations, combined with selective interbody or intrabody bone graft. 方法应用经椎弓根固定器械(C-D)固定,加选择性椎间或椎体内植骨,治疗不稳定性胸腰椎骨折82例。
- The improvement of nerve function evaluated by JOA and the fusion rate of the bone graft were evaluated by using X-ray and CT scan. 通过术后随访,使用JOA评分系统观察病人脊髓功能的恢复,并通过随访X线,CT观察植骨融合的情况。
- Methods: Retrospective reviews were done to 44 CSN patients treated with anterior cervical decompression and fusion with bone graft. 方法:对44例行前路减压、植骨融合的神经根型颈椎病患者进行回顾分析,随访期平均3年2个月。
- In this study, we sought to evaluate the efficacy of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2-producing adipose-derived stem cells in inducing a posterolateral spine fusion in an athymic rat model. 本研究中,我们试图评价骨形成蛋白(BMP)-2转导的脂衍生干细胞在裸鼠模型中诱导后外侧脊柱融合的效率。
- Objective To investigate the effects of autologous micromorselized bone graft for spinal fusion and pedicle screw fixation on degenerative lumbar instability. 目的探讨颗粒骨后路植骨融合内固定治疗退行性腰椎不稳的效果。
- Objective To investigate the application of instrument in the rehabilitation of spine fusion after internal fixation. 目的探讨外固定支具在脊柱内固定术后康复过程中的临床应用。
- Object:To evaluate the clinical effect of posterolateral bone graft fusion to pretend the adjacent segment degeneration after lumbar fusion and discuss the indication. 目的:评价在轻度退变的邻近节段行单纯后外侧植骨预防腰椎融合术后邻近节段退变的临床疗效,探讨其适应症的选择。
- The iliac crest is a common source for autologous bone graft. 髂嵴是常用的自体取骨来源。
- Cervical spine fusion is performed for various indications in patient populations ranging from young and healthy to aged and frail. 颈椎融合的手术指征并不单一,患者既包括年轻、健康的人群,也包括年老体弱者。
- Study Design.An animal study to achieve posterolateral intertransverse process spine fusion using mesenchymal stem cell (MSC).Objective. 摘要:研究设计,在动物体上行腰椎后路融合术,术中使用骨髓间充质干细胞。
- Conclusions It is a kind of practical,simple and reliable bone graft in the spinal fusion with combination of in situ bone autograft and calcium phosphate bioceramic implantation. 结论脊柱畸形矫正术诸多的植骨融合方法中,棘突根部椎板去皮质原位植骨加磷酸钙生物陶瓷人工骨混合应用是一种实用、简易、可靠的植骨方法。
- Method Seventy-four cases of early diagnosed cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) were treated with anterior cervical decompression and autologous iliac bone graft fusion. 方法报告并讨论74例脊髓型颈椎病患者早期诊断,并经颈前路减压、自体髂骨融合术的临床表现、治疗方法及结果等。
- Results: Clinical symptoms got improved after operation,spondyloschisis obtained reduction,bone graft got solid fusion in three months.Conclusions: Cervical spondyloschisis sho... 结果:临床症状全部改善,滑脱椎节得以复位,植骨在3个月内获得牢固骨融合。
- Methods: Fifteen cases of cervicothoracic fracture were performed on anterior subtotal vertebraectomy at C 7,T 1,C 6,7 or C 7 T 1 segment, bone graft and Orion anterior cervical locking plate fixation in cervicothoracic spine. 方法 :对 15例颈胸段脊柱骨折、脱位的患者行颈胸段前路 C7,T1 ,C6,7或 C7-T1 椎体次全切除、植骨及 Orion锁定型颈椎前路钢板固定术。
- Conclusions The bone graft increases the biomechanical stability of the cervical spine except for DPA and the application of an anterior cervical plate significantly enhances it in three directions. 结论植骨可以提高两节段颈椎间盘切除后颈椎的稳定性,但不能提供后前方向稳定。前路钢板则可以明显提高3个方向的颈椎稳定性。