- Borderline high cholesterol 胆固醇边缘升高
- Beside, 3.9% of the subjects had borderline of high cholesterol level. 另有3.;9%25的人血胆固醇边缘升高。
- I have a high cholesterol count. 我的胆固醇高。
- A high cholesterol level in the blood can cause heart disease. 血液中胆固醇含量高可导致心脏病。
- What role did a high cholesterol level play in his heart disease? 胆固醇浓度高和他的心脏病发作有什么关系?
- And avoid food with high cholesterol and animal fat. 减少进食高胆固醇和高动物脂肪的食物。
- Is triglyceride high cholesterol high what reason is caused? 甘油三酯高胆固醇高是什么原因引起的?
- Fibrinogen of high cholesterol set is original to ascend occupy 80%. 高胆固醇组纤维蛋白原增高者占80%25。
- Obesity and high cholesterol are also associated with erectile dysfunction( ED). 同时,肥胖和高胆固醇也与勃起功能障碍(D)关。
- Whatadvice can you give a soon to be 51 year old man with extremely high cholesterol? I asked. “对一个快51岁、胆固醇极高的人,您有什么忠告?”我问。
- Obesity and high cholesterol are also associated with erectile dysfunction (ED). 同时,肥胖和高胆固醇也与勃起功能障碍(ED)有关。
- Choline is a B complex vitamin that is concentrated in high cholesterol foods like eggs and liver. 胆碱是维生素B复合体之一,它主要存在于高胆固醇食物中,比如蛋以及动物肝脏中。
- Consumers with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease often take nitrates. 消费者与糖尿病,高血压,高胆固醇或心脏病往往采取硝酸盐。
- For most people with high cholesterol, prescription medications are safe and effectie. 对许多高胆固醇人群来说,处方药是安全有效的。
- Eating pork can also lead to gallstones and obesity, probably due to its high cholesterol and saturated fat content. 吃猪肉也会引发结石和肥胖,可能是因为它的高胆固醇和饱和脂肪酸含量。
- This can help prevent a host of unwanted conditions, such as osteoporosis, arthritis, and high cholesterol. 这可以帮助防止许多不想要的情况,如骨质疏松症,关节炎,高胆固醇。
- Balloon injury was performed in atherosclarotic rabbits indu ced by high cholesterol diet. 结果各组内皮增生成分主要为平滑肌细胞。
- FCHL results from defects in the metabolism of lipoproteins that leads to high cholesterol, high triglycerides or both. 据估计,在美国,每10个早期心脏病患者中就有一个患有此病。
- It's well known that exercise helps prevent high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and stroke, all of which can contribute to dementia. 大家都知道锻炼身体会预防高血压,高胆固醇、糖尿病的机会,这些病症都会导致老年痴呆。
- Small yellow bumps on the eyelid, for instance, may be fatty deposits that signal high cholesterol, which in turn raises the risk of heart disease. 比如,眼睑上那些小小的黄色肿块很可能是脂肪沉积物,表明你体内胆固醇过高,更易罹患心脏病。