- The Way Choice of the Boss of Private Enterprise Developing Enterpriser 民营企业老板向企业家发展的路径选择
- Boss of Private Enterprise 民营企业老板
- Is not the Owners of Private Enterprises Laborers? 私营企业主不是劳动者?
- Whether the boss of the private enterprise solve the inner problem affect directly enterprise. 民营企业老板能否解决好自身即企业内部的问题将直接关系到企业的命运。
- Su Na area has the boss of private houseboat to had exceeded 50. 苏南地区拥有私人游艇的老板已经超过50位。
- The answer is not elimination of private enterprise in the media. 答案并不在于消灭传播媒介中的私人企业。
- Whether the private enterprise keeps the continuable development in the course of the deepening the reformation is the problem which the boss of the private enterprise must think and resolve. 民营企业能否在深化改革的过程中保持持续发展的势头,已成为民营企业老板必须思考和解决的问题。
- For the development of private enterprise is essential to the interests of the state and the people at the present stage. 因为目前私人经济的发展,是国家的利益和人民的利益所需要的。
- He accused his boss of having broken his word. 他指责老板不守信。
- The increasingly fierce competition brought about by globalization endows prominent practical significance to the study of private enterprise core competency index system. 日益国际化的竞争态势,对民营企业核心竞争力评价指标体系的研究具有很强的现实意义。
- However,many local governments in the service of private enterprise development have the phenomenon which is absent from their duties,mismatches and overrun. 然而,许多地方政府在服务民营企业发展中还存在缺位、错位和越位的现象。
- The admittance of private enterprise owners into the party brings some new problems to the construction of the ruling party, to which much attention should be paid. 私营企业主入党对执政党建设提出了许多新课题,必须引起高度重视。
- Suzhou,Wuxi and Changzhou have be the main cradle land of Chinese township enterprise, now the dense district of private enterprise and foreign investment enterprise. 苏锡常,曾经的中国乡镇企业主要发源地,如今的民营企业与外资企业密集区;
- The use of private enterprise mechanism, use of modern enterprise management system and "people-centered" concept to manage and achieved good economic and social benefits. 该企业采用民营机制,运用现代企业管理制度及以“以人为本”的理念来管理,取得了良好经济效益和社会效益。
- Miss Lemon remind her boss of two appointments. 莱蒙小姐提醒她的老板有两个约会。
- But the boss of the club changed his mind. 但俱乐部老板改变了主意。
- He works in a private enterprise. 他在一家私人企业工作。
- He is a cinch to be boss of this firm some day. 他将来准会成为这家公司的老板。
- Therefore,the greatest possible development of state enterprise and the extensive development of co-operative enterprise must go hand in hand with encouraging the development of private enterprise. 所以,尽可能地发展国营经济和大规模地发展合作社经济,应该是与奖励私人经济发展,同时并进的。
- One of my nabs is a boss of litttle eating house. 我一哥们在北京开了个小馆子。