- Botrytis cinerea in grape 葡萄灰霉病菌
- Detection of Resistances to Procymidone in Botrytis cinerea Per. 灰霉病原菌对速克灵的抗性监测。
- Noble Rot is when Botrytis Cinerea fungus attacks ripe undamaged grape at which it will suck out the water in the grape to make it shrivel to tiny raisins. 当贵腐黴菌侵袭成熟健康的葡萄,把葡萄中的水份抽乾,并皱缩至细小的葡萄乾。
- We got one isolates of Botrytis cinerea from flower of grape, from then on, more and more Botrytis cinerea isolates were obtained and became the absolute preponderance. 3. 5.;葡萄果实中主要生化物质对灰霉病菌生长发育有影响葡萄糖和果糖对灰霉菌菌丝生长和孢子萌发均有极显著促进作用。
- A study on the biological characteristics of Botrytis cinerea in Begonia semperflorens 海棠灰霉病菌生物学特性的研究
- Epidemic dynamic forecasting of tomato gray mould caused by Botrytis cinerea in green house 温室番茄灰霉病流行动态预测
- Comparative Conidia Germination of Botrytis cinerea in Different Exogenous Nutrient Solution and its Pathologenity on Tomato Leaves 外源营养物质对番茄灰霉病菌分生孢子萌发及其侵染的研究
- Deternination of tartaric acid in grape juices. 参考名称: Fruit and pegetable juices.
- The bleeding sap had the best fungistatic effect on Botrytis cinerea among the three pathogenic fungi. 三种病原菌中,丝瓜伤流液对灰黴病菌的抑制效果最好。
- In addition, the content of protein from Botrytis cinerea declined after a time under treatment. 且处理一定时间后,可使菌丝体可溶性蛋白含量下降。
- There was significant difference among varieties for resistance to Botrytis cinerea. 对灰霉病的抵抗能力,品种间存在显著差异。
- This paper studied the compositions of cultural medium and culture conditions of D2-4 strain againt Botrytis cinerea. 对拮抗番茄灰霉病菌的D2-4菌株培养基成分和发酵条件进行研究。
- Abstract : The bacterium strain B21 isolated from leaves could strongly inhibit the growth of Botrytis cinerea. 摘要 : 对分离于叶片表面能较强抑制番茄灰霉病菌生长的拮抗细菌B21菌株进行了鉴定。
- Inhibition effect of 25 kinds of preservatives to botrytis cinerea and alternaria spp from red global grapes were studied. 研究了25种防腐保鲜剂对红提葡萄中灰葡萄孢霉和交链孢霉的抑制效果。
- The inhibition rate of endophytic fungi,which could inhibit the growth of Alternaria solani and Botrytis cinerea,was 15.9% and 11.3%,respectively. 其中对番茄早疫霉和番茄灰霉产生抑制作用的内生真菌比例分别达到15.;9%25和11
- The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of carbendazol (MBC) to mycelial growth of a wild-type strain B_2 of Botrytis cinerea was 0.5ppm. 测得多菌灵对Botrytis cinerea野生菌株B_2的最低抑制生长浓度(MIC)值为0.;5ppm。
- A series of 1-alrylimidazoles were synthesized,their biological activities about to Botrytis cinerea Pers and Colletotrichum Lagenarium were tested. 合成了一系列1-芳基取代咪唑;测试了部分1-芳基咪唑化合物对月季灰霉病菌、西瓜炭疽病菌的生物活性.
- Abstract : Botrytis cinerea of kiwifruit is one of important diseases and reduce merchandise value and economic performance of kiwifruit. 摘要 : 灰霉病是猕猴桃贮藏期的重要病害,严重影响猕猴桃商品价值与经济效益。
- EC90 value from the size of view, Dimethachlon at a relatively low concentration of Botrytis cinerea on ginseng has a strong inhibitory effect. 从EC90值大小来看,菌核净在较低的浓度下对人参灰霉病菌也有较强的抑制作用。
- The amounts of the strains that could control the pathogen of Botrytis cinerea were descended from the seedling to the flowering and fruiting stage. 生育期不同真菌优势种类明显不同;颉颃灰霉病菌的微生物数量随生育期而下降;