- As a not-for-profit and self-financed body, we rely mainly on donations, rental income, arts course fees and box office income to support our non-mainstream arts and cultural presentations. 作为一间非牟利、自负盈亏的机构,我们有赖公众捐助、租金收入、课程学费与及票房收入,以主办各项文化及艺术节目。
- Director Yin Chan also bluntly said that the Korean film market is sick, a lot of directors blindly pursue high-high box office income, which ignores the film's pursuit of real people. 导演尹宗灿还直言不讳地说,现在的韩国电影市场是病态的,很多导演一味追求高票房高收益,从而忽略了电影人真正的追求。
- I'm sure this movie will be good box office. 我相信这部电影一定卖座。
- Tickets are available at the box office. 票房有票。
- Routine office work is my bread and butter. 日常的办公室工作是我的谋生之道。
- She lifted the box up and rushed out of the office. 她提起箱子,奔出了办公室。
- A star with pull at the box office. 能吸引大量票房收入的明星
- She is a receptionist in a doctor's office. 她在一位医生的诊所中担任接待员。
- The host then passed around a box of cigars. 主人这时拿了一盒雪茄烟请大家抽。
- How could he get his heavy box up all those stairs? 这么重的箱子他是怎么抬上楼的?
- He is gunned down in the street outside his office. 他在他办公室外的街上被枪杀。
- He brought the box of groceries in from the car. 他把一盒食品从汽车上拿进来。
- Every day he rode his old bicycle to his office. 每天他骑着他那辆旧自行车去上班。
- The sale office is on line to the warehouse. 营业部与仓库的计算机联网。
- The heavy box landed crash on his head. 沉重的箱子哗啦一声掉到他的头上。
- There is a rose bush in front of the office. 办公室前有一丛玫瑰。
- It is company policy to discourage office romances. 公司的方针是阻止职员之间的风流韵事。
- It's quite an effort to lift this heavy box. 抬起这只沉重的箱子要花费相当大的力气。
- I wonder how he got voted out of office. 我不知道他是怎样被投票罢免的。
- He opened his safe and drew out a petty-cash box. 他打开保险柜取走一个小钱匣。