- Boxing Writers Association 拳击运动记者协会
- He is a member of Guizhou Writers Association. 贵州省作家协会会员。
- Children's literator, Member of China Writers Association. 儿童文学家,中国作家协会会员。
- Despite his victory in their first matchup, odds makers and more than a few boxing writers would favor Mosley in the rematch, which makes the matchup so appealing. 纵然库托赢了一番战,但赌博公司和为数不少的拳击撰稿人却认为莫斯利能赢下二番战,这实在太吊人胃口了。
- However boxing writer David Avila reports that one of Mayweather's sparring partners a junior middleweight journeyman named Juan Pablo Montes De Oca took credit for the injury. 然而,拳击撰稿人阿维拉报道说:梅威瑟的陪练之一----一个名叫JuanPabloMontesDeOca的超次中量级二流拳手该为此次肋伤买单。
- John Terry has come second in the Football Writers'Association voting for Footballer of the Year. 约翰特里,在英记者协会举行的投票中,获今年英超足球运动员的第二名。
- He is a member of Chongqing Writers Association and Chongqing proser Association. 重庆市作家协会会员、重庆市散文家协会理事。
- For us Sinologists it is a matter of indifference if there is a new chairperson for the Writers Association. 但对于我们汉学家来说,我们并不关心文联是否有了一位新的主席。
- Steven Gerrard today spoke of his delight at being voted Footballer of the Year by the Football Writers' Association. 斯蒂文.;杰拉德今天说,他很高兴能被英国记者协会评选为年度最佳球员。
- Mayweather complained about the way he's been portrayed in the media, noting many boxing writers have accused him of ducking quality opponents and failing to face the toughest fighters of his era. 梅威瑟抱怨媒体对他的报道,提到很多撰稿人指责他躲避高水平对手、以及未能对阵当代最强悍的拳手。
- He is a member of Chinese Writers Association and vice-chairman of Cixi Writers Association. 中国作家协会会员。慈溪市作家协会副主席。
- Nearly 600 writers belonged to ethnic minorities are members of the Chinese Writers'Association,constituting more than 10 percent. 中国作家协会少数民族会员的比例已超过10%25,人数近600人。
- The project is being run by the British Embassy and the Chinese Writers Association to encourage people to learn more about literature. 这是英国驻华使馆和中国作家协会联合举办的项目,目的在于鼓励人们更多地学习文学。
- Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard has been crowned the 2009 Footballer of the Year by the Football Writers' Association (FWA). 英格兰足球记者协会2009年度足球先生的评选结果今天揭晓,利物浦队长杰拉德首次获得这项荣誉。
- Stevie G enjoyed another outstanding season at Anfield, for which he was named the Football Writers' Association's Footballer of the Year. 杰拉德在安菲尔德经历一个出色的赛季,并且他被足球记者协会评选为英超最佳球员。
- He is a member of China Writers’ Association, of World Congress of Poets (WCP), and a guest professor of Anhui University and College of Chuzhou. 系中国作家协会会员,世界诗人协会(WCP)会员,安徽大学兼职教授,滁州学院客座教授。
- About 600 creative writers, editors, publishers, artists and photographers around the world belong to the Dog Writers Association of America (DWAA). [全世界约有600名创造性的作家,编辑,出版商,艺术家和摄影家加入了美国犬类作家协会。
- The sea crag, Chinese Writers' Association National committee member, is mainly engaged in the novel, the prose as well as the play writing. 海岩,中国作家协会全国委员会委员,主要从事小说、散文以及剧本创作。
- Nearly 600 writers belonging to ethnic minorities are members of the Chinese Writers' Association, constituting more than 10 percent. 中国作家协会少数民族会员的比例已超过10%25,人数近600人。
- Professional boxing is no bed of roses. 职业拳击不是一碗好吃的饭。