- Brad Cooper 库珀
- I tried to call Mr. Cooper, but the line is busy. 我试着打电话给库珀先生,但是线路忙。
- Sharon talks to Brad about his new habit. 莎伦和布莱德正讨论他的新习惯。
- She has a big poster of Brad Pitt on her wall. 她的墙上有一张布莱德彼特的大海报。
- Brad's big black bath brush broke. 布拉德的黑色大浴刷断掉了。
- Sharon sees her friend Brad smoking outside. 莎伦看到她的朋友布莱德正在外面抽烟。
- A maker or repairer of barrels and tubs; a cooper. 桶匠制桶工人或修桶工人
- Brad and I fixed our side of the house up. 布莱德将我俩住的这边修整了一番。
- Speciality: Product structure: tinning cooper etc. 产品构造:由镀锡铜等成分构成。
- Philippa and Brad are chatting on campus. 菲利帕和布莱德在校园里聊天。
- You spelled the client's name wrong, Brad. 你把客户的名字拼错了,布莱德。
- Brad: Okay. Can I bring a friend along? 布雷德:好的。那我可不可以另外带个朋友一块来?
- What became of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper? 库珀夫妇发生什么事了?
- Brad, did you enjoy your trip to Thailand? 布莱德,你去泰国旅游愉快吗?
- Mr. Cooper is occupied at the moment. 库柏先生现在很忙。
- Look! I'm sure that's Brad Pitt! 看!这一定是布拉德 皮特!
- Don't forget about the meeting on Thursday, Brad. 不要忘记礼拜四的会议,布莱德。
- That was Dick giving brad his year-end evaluation. 那是迪克对布莱德的年终考核发飙。
- I'd like to make an appointment with Mr. Cooper. 我想和库柏先生约一下。
- Well, Brad from school asked me out just today. 嗯,同校的布莱德才在今天邀我出去。