- Brain stem neplasms 脑干肿瘤
- They are in the pons part of the brain stem. 这些神经细胞位于脑干的脑桥部位。
- They are in the pons part of the brain stem . 这些神经细胞位于脑干的脑桥部位。
- Allan Hobson had a stroke in his brain stem. 之后的十天他既睡不着也做不了梦。
- Brain MRI showed remarkable atrophy on cerebellum and brain stem. 头颅MRI示小脑、脑干明显萎缩;
- She's herniating down into her brain stem, Schneider realized. 她的伤势已经突出伸向脑干了,施奈德意识到。
- MRI is better than CT in the diagnosis of damage to brain stem and spinal cord. mri在诊断脑干、脊膜损伤上优于CT。
- In ascension, the thymus gland grows up the sternum connecting to the thyroid, lymph nodes and brain stem. 提升中,胸腺在胸骨上生长,连接到甲状腺、淋巴腺节点和脑干。
- Such lesions are most common in basal ganglia, deep white matter, and brain stem. 此病变多位于基底节、白质深部、脑干。
- Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley said that when we dream, the brain stem produces signals used for movement. 阿伦·布森和罗伯特·卡利说,在我们做梦的时候,脑干产生了运动的信号。
- They found that some cells in the brain stem produce electrochemical signals only during REM sleep. 他们发现,脑干中的某些细胞只在快速眼动睡眠阶段才产生电化学信号。
- The localization of immunoreactive fibres of ACTH_(1-30) in the brain stem of the rat was observed by the immunocytochemical method. 本研究用免疫细胞化学方法,在大白鼠脑干观察促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH_(1-30))免疫反应纤维的分布。
- Objective Measure the changes of 5-HT of brain stem in rats with trigeminal neuralgia. 目的检测鼠三叉神经痛时脑干组织中5-羟色胺(5-HT)含量的变化。
- The brain stem auditory responses (BSR) of 31 subjects with normalhearing were recorded. 本文对31名听力正常的健康人作了脑干听觉电反应(BSR)描记。
- The purpose of this study is to evaluate the importance of CT guided stereotactic operation for brain stem lesions. 目的:评价计算机体层摄影(CT)引导下的立体定向法在治疗脑干病变中的意义。
- Magnetic resonance imaging disclosed a high intensity area in the right pontine area indicating brain stem hemorrhage. 经一系列电生理检查及核磁共振扫描证实为脑干中风。
- These results indicated that the motoneurons of palatal muscles were located in different brain stem necleus. 舌腭肌的运动神经元位于同侧疑核吻侧部和舌下神经核尾侧端的腹外侧部。
- Neurologic examinations revealed that the patient had severe sensorimotor and brain stem dysfunction. 神经学检查显示病人有严重的感觉运动及脑干功能障础。
- The tuberculomas involved miliarily not only in cerebrum but also in cerebellum and brain stem. 结论:脑结核瘤的诊断需结合临床特点、影像学表现及抗痨效果综合判定。
- Although the platypuses' forebrains were inactive during sleep, the brain stem was active. So are platypuses dreaming? 尽管鸭嘴兽的前脑在睡眠中不活动,脑干却是活动着的,那么鸭嘴兽是在做梦吗?