- Break through all restraint 冲破一切束缚
- June decides to break through all the difficulties in English. 珍妮决定克服英语中的所有困难。
- We'll break through all the difficulties with our own hard work. 我们将通过自己艰苦的工作来战胜一切困难。
- They broke through all kinds of hardships. 他们克服了各种困难。
- Liang Ming broke through all obstacles to make a lay-up shot. 梁明冲破一切障碍切入上篮。
- Liang Ming broke through all obstacles to make a lay up shot. 梁明冲破一切障碍切入上篮。
- The holy stream of thy music breaks through all stony obstacles and rushes on. 你的音乐的圣泉冲过一切阻挡的岩石,向前奔涌。
- The holy stream of thy music breaks through all stony obstacles and rusher on. 你那音乐的圣流漫过一切阻挡的岩石,奔涌向前。
- Yhe holy stream of thy music breaks through all stony obstacles and rushes on. 你乐音的圣洁之流冲决所有无情的屏障,奔腾向前。
- This new global communication net breaks through all geopolitical barriers. 这种新的全球通信网突破了所有的地缘政治障碍。
- They succeeded in breaking through all kinds of danger and finishing. their task. 他们成功地克服了各种危险,完成了任务。
- Electronic music has begun to bridge the gap between diverse groups, breaking through all of society's barriers: race, gender, age, and culture. 电子音乐成为各类人群间的桥梁,突破了种族、性别、年龄和文化等各种社会界限。
- The light of thy music illumines the world.The life breath of thy music runs from sky to sky.The holy stream of thy music breaks through all stony obstacles and rushes on. 您音乐的光辉照亮世界.;您音乐的气息透彻诸天
- Yogi wishes in all his life that kuntanili could arise from tailbone and then break through all knots;at last, he combines with grand Tathagata Buddha and then becomes grand Tathagata Buddha. 瑜伽行者则终其一生希望挫火由尾椎升起后,破除各种关卡,最后与大自在王结合在一起而成为大自在王。
- He carried through all his homework in ten minutes. 他在十分钟内完成了所有的家庭作业。
- I searched through all my papers. 我翻查了所有的文件。
- All the technical problems have been solved.However, life is long and infinite.Why not break through hindering traditions and let people be free, without any restraint? 技术上的问题都突破了,而人生漫长无尽,为什麽不打破一切樊篱,让人真正的无拘无束、自由自在呢?
- He can't have slept through all that noise. 那麽吵他不可能睡得著觉。
- Let us go all out to break through English! 让我们全力以赴攻克英语!
- The lawyer had to wade through all the files. 律师得吃力地看完所有的案卷。