- British Honduras Defence Force 英属洪都拉斯防御部队
- Evidences of this lost civilization are to be found in the Pyrenees and Morocco, British Honduras, Yucatan and America. 这个消失的文明证据就要在比利牛斯山脉[欧洲西南部]和摩洛哥、英国的洪都拉斯、尤卡坦半岛和美国中被发现。
- The area, first named the British Honduras, was colonized by the British, which explains why it is the only English-speaking country in Central America. 贝里斯原名英属宏都拉斯,是英国殖民地,也是中美洲唯一英语系国家。
- Formerly a British colony known as British Honduras, this little nation on the Central American coast has been independent for twenty-five years now, and boasts one of the most diverse cultures in the world. 位于中美洲海岸的蕞薾小国贝里斯,前身为英国殖民地的英属宏都拉斯,至今已独立二十五年,可说是世上最多元样貌的国家之一。
- This alarms many in Britain, a country seen as indispensable to the construction of a serious European defence force. 这使许多英国人心生警惕,因为英国被视为构建重要的欧洲防线不可或缺的国家。
- The Chief of the Defence Force, General Peter Cosgrove, has given the Government's plan his seal of approval. 防卫局长彼特将军,已正式批准了政府的计划。
- At the same time they study an undergraduate program through UNSW, fully paid for by the Australian Defence Force. 与此同时,他们研究本科计划通过新南威尔士大学,全额支付由澳大利亚国防军。
- The Bahrain Defence Force maintains a garrison there, just to make sure that the Qataris don't suddenly get frisky. 巴林国防部队在那里有一支卫戍部队,目的是确保卡塔尔人不会突然入侵。
- The answer is definitely yes," said Carl Thayer, a Southeast Asia expert with the Australian Defence Force Academy. 答案无疑是肯定的, ”泰勒说,卡尔,一个东南亚的专家与澳大利亚国防军学院。
- British Honduras Volunteer Guard 英属洪都拉斯志愿卫队
- In the footsteps of most of the world's modern armies, the Israel Defence Force is going to develop and operate lighter armoured vehicles, weighing around 35-40 tonnes. 在世界上大部分现代军队的前进的脚步声中,以色列国防军将要研制以及使用重量在35到40吨的轻型装甲车辆。
- British colonies were ruled by governors. 英国的殖民地由总督统治。
- A memorandum of understanding signed by both governments on Nov. 14 adds Australian Defence Force access to WGS services worldwide in exchange for funding the constellation's sixth satellite. 作为美国和澳大利亚政府合作协议的一部分,澳大利亚也在筹集资金。
- "After a period of opening up, Vietnam's leaders are now showing how conservative they can be," says Carlyle Thayer, a professor and Vietnam expert at the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra. 其三,外贸、财政“双赤字”。
- "The Government's initial decision to send the Self Defence Forces was based on the wrong information," says Naoto Kan, the party's leader. “政府当初派出自卫军是因为得到了错误的信息,”民主党领导长菅直人说。
- GALATZ is manufactured in Israel by IMI, and is widely used by Israeli Defence Forces. GALATZ在以色列制造了IMI的,并广为以色列国防军使用。
- This country used to be a British colony in Asia. 这个国家曾是英国在亚洲的殖民地。
- The Israel Defence Forces said the air raid was aimed at disrupting the shipment of weapons to Hizbollah guerrillas from Syria and Iran. 以色列国防军称空袭是为了切断从叙利亚和伊朗境内向真主党武装海运武器。
- The British line was forced back a short distance. 英军的阵线被迫后退一段距离。
- Wales is in the southwest of the British Island. 威尔士在大不列颠岛的西南部。