- British troops south of Basra 巴士拉南部英军
- WEIGHTY MATTER: British soldiers worked out Monday at a makeshift gym south of Basra, Iraq. British forces are looking to leave Iraq later this year. 训练:图为英国士兵周一在伊拉克城市巴士拉南部的临时训练场健身。英国军队计划在今年晚些时候撤离伊拉克。
- He then went on to Basra to meet British troops. 他接着去到了巴士拉并会见了英国士兵。
- British troops handed control of Basra province over to Iraqi security forces in December and were not taking part in the operation, dubbed "Charge of the Knights." 英国军队去年12月把巴士拉省的控制权移交给伊拉克部队,因此没有参加这次代号为骑士冲锋的军事行动。
- Troops are concentrating south of the river. 军队正向河的南边集结。
- The capital is in the extreme south of the country. 首都在这个国家的最南端。
- British troops have turned over the civilian airport in Basra, Iraq's second largest city to Iraqi officials. 在伊拉克第二大城市巴士拉,英国军队将民用机场移交给了伊方官员。
- We're relocating just south of Newcastle. 我们将迁往纽卡斯尔南部。
- Italy is in the south of Europe. 意大利在欧洲的南部。
- British forces have formally handed over control of Basra to Iraq.British troops will continue to help train security forces there. 英国军队已经正式向伊拉克移交了巴士拉的控制权,但其仍将继续帮助伊拉克训练治安部队。
- Greece is located in the south of Europe. 希腊位于欧洲南部。
- More British troops have been sent to the front. 更多的英国部队已派往前线。
- Are the British troops doing all right? 英国的军队正在做吗?
- Mexico is in the south of North America. 墨西哥在北美洲南部。
- Myanmar is to the south of China. 缅甸在中国的南面。
- A curfew was already in place for all of Basra province. 巴士拉省的所有区域都已宵禁。
- Troops repelled an attempt to infiltrate the south of the island. 部队挫败了对岛屿南部的渗透企图。
- The last British troops were removed from the Suez Canal zone. 最后一批英国军队撤出苏伊士运河地带。
- Iraqi military officials say a British journalist kidnapped two months ago in the city of Basra has been freed.The officials said Iraqi troops rescued Richard Butler in a raid in Basra today. 伊拉克军方称一名两月前在巴士拉被绑架的英国游客今天获救.;军方称伊拉克军方在今天对巴士拉的一次突袭行动中营救这名被绑架者;他的名字是理查德
- British forces were based mainly in southern Iraq, around the city of Basra. 英国军队在伊拉克主要驻守在南方城市巴士拉附近。