- Broad Goals of Urban Renewal 市区重建的整体目标
- Gentrification is a form of urban renewal. 摘要绅士化是城市更新的一种方式。
- The second broad goal of a manager is to "harmonize in every direction and action the requirements of the immediate and long-range future. 经理的另一个目标是“把眼前的和长远的需要在所有的利益目标和行动方向上协调好”。
- If the benefits of urban renewal are extensive, so too are the costs. 如果说城市更新好处很大,其费用也不
- The Lands Administration Office was also involved in the resumption of land for the implementation of urban renewal schemes carried out by the Land Development Corporation. 土地发展公司需要土地进行市区重建计划,地政处也积极参与这方面的收地工作。
- Broad goals are set at the top of the organization. 组织的最高管理者设立总目标。
- It will help the private sector overcome problems encountered in site assembly in the course of urban renewal. 这项措施可帮助私营机构解决在市区重建中遇到的组合地皮的问题。
- In the past we have carried out a number of urban renewal projects which have been successful in improving parts of the older urban areas. 过去,我们曾推行一些市区重建计划,使部分旧区改观。
- It was clear to all concerned that the LDC model of urban renewal was no longer workable. 土发公司的重建模式渐渐变得不可行。
- The purpose of urban renewal is to improve the quality of life of residents in the urban areas. 市区重建的目的是改善市区居民的生活质素。
- We must increase the scale and speed of urban renewal in order to tackle the problem of these ageing urban areas. 要切实解决市区老化的问题,我们必须加快市区重建的规模和施工步伐。
- While Rational was bringing UML together, efforts were being made on achieving the broader goal of an industry standard modeling language. 当时合理一起正在带UML,努力在完成工业的更宽广的目标上正在被成为标准的建模语言。
- Urban renewal refers to the improvement of urban areas by removing slums and converting them into attractive living or industrial areas. 城市改造是指拆除穷街陋巷,使之成为具有吸引力的生活区域工业区
- Based on the features of urban renewal projects,the necessity of monitoring and evaluation of the resettlement in urban renewal projects was studied. 从城市更新的特点出发,分析了城市更新项目移民监测评估发展现状,指出在城市更新项目中进行移民监测评估的必要性。
- We can find that there are many wrongs and aftermaths in restropecting the hundred history of urban renewal development and construction in Shanghai. 摘要回顾上海城市改造、开发和建设的百年历史,会发现当时的一些作为受时代及环境的局限,有许多不妥之处和留下不少后遗症。
- To support a broader goal of strengthening local governance, the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and UNDP worked with the Government of Malawi to develop pilot projects for participatory planning and financing of district-level capital investment. 为支持强化地方施政这一广泛目标,联合国资本发展基金(资发基金)和开发计划署与马拉维政府协作,开发了地区一级资本投资参与式规划和筹资试点项目。
- URA is required to achieve self-financing in the long run. Does the current self-financing model of urban renewal need to be reviewed? 现行策略规定市建局长远来说必须财政自给。这种以财政自给模式推行市区更新工作有否需要检讨?
- To support a broader goal of strengthening local governance,the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and UNDP worked with the Government of Malawi to develop pilot projects for participatory planning and financing of district-level capital investment. 为支持强化地方施政这一广泛目标,联合国资本发展基金(资发基金)和开发计划署与马拉维政府协作,开发了地区一级资本投资参与式规划和筹资试点项目。
- Heritage preservation should be part of urban renewal, and the URA should preserve heritage buildings if such preservation forms part of its urban renewal projects. 市区重建应包括保护古迹文物。市建局应保存重建项目范围内的历史建筑物,其工作应包括
- This conversation tells us that Carolyn had three broad goals. 此对话告诉我们,卡罗琳有三个广义的目标。