- Brown and Sharpe wire gauge 布朗沙普线规
- brown and sharpe wire gage bs线规
- brown and sharp wire gage bs线规
- brown and sharpe type dividing head [机] 布朗-沙普式分度头
- The dying leaves became brown and curled up. 快死的叶子发黄而卷曲。
- America has its own wire gauge system. 美国有自己的电线规格系统。
- The ends were pointed and sharp as a knife. 两端尖尖的,像刀子一样锋利。
- Bertha is a cute brown and white bear. 柏莎是一只可爱的棕白相间的熊.
- Her answer came quick and sharp. 她回信又快又干脆。
- Mr Brown and Mr White are old friends because they both hail from the same town. 布朗先生和怀特先生是老朋友,因为他们来自同一个城镇。
- This equipment requires a minimum wire gauge of 20 AWG. 这个设备要求电线规格至少为20AWG。
- The answer was quick and sharp, devoid of humour. 回答迅捷而尖锐,干巴巴的,毫无幽默感。
- After the harvest,the stalks were brown and bare. 收获以后,只剩光秃的棕色杆茎。
- Its'long and sharp beak becomes bent. 它长而锐利的啄变得弯曲。
- This dress comes in black, brown and red. 这款连衣裙有黑、棕和红三种颜色。
- An eagle has strong and sharp claws . 鹰有坚硬锋利的爪。
- As they walked, Brown and Polack talked idly. 布朗和波兰克一边走,一边还说着闲话。
- Its' long and sharp beak becomes bent. 它长而锐利的喙变得弯曲。
- They squirm through the mud with the razor sharp wire just inches above them. 他们不得不在泥浆中蠕动前行,而头上数英尺高的地方就是带有刀片的铁丝网。
- After the harvest, the stalks were brown and bare. 收获以后,只剩光秃的棕色杆茎。