- It is no exception that a many Korean folk stories and novels draw inspirations from the Buddhism Scripture, partly from India in direct forms but most from China in indirect forms. 朝鲜的民间故事、小说受佛经影响有些是直接通过印度接受的,但更多的是通过中国间接接受的。
- Chinese buddhism scripture and the poems of Yi-shan 汉译佛典与义山诗
- Translation of Buddhism Scripture into Chinese 汉译佛典
- Former worthies have found that Buddhist scripture had a great impact on the Sui Tan novels and the Five dynasties novels. 摘要汉译佛典影响于隋唐五代小说创作题材,前贤已多有发现。
- Now I start each day by reading from a Buddhist scripture called Aparimitayur Sutra. 现在,我以阅读佛经《无量寿经》开始一天的生活。
- After eighty adventurous experiences, Tang Sanzang finally got the real Buddhist scripture. 唐三藏历经九九八十一难终于取得了真经。
- Chapter 1 is the general introduction of category and distribution of The Narrative Literature of Buddhist Scripture. 第一章对佛经叙事文学的类别和分布情况进行概说。
- The Buddhist scripture translated into Chinese is an important corpus in the study of Chinese language history. 汉译佛经是汉语史研究的重要语料,尤其是汉语词汇史研究的重要语料。
- Three fingers of his left hand curve downward,and his right hand is stretched forward, which indicates he is explaining Buddhist scripture. 左手向下屈三指,右手向前仰伸,这种手势意指佛示说法,
- The arguments between literal translation and free translation have run through the translation of acient buddhist scripture. “文”“质”之争贯穿于我国古代佛经翻译始终。
- The paper also reveals the great value of early Chinese version of Buddhist Scripture in the study of the history of Chinese vocabulary. 同时也揭示了早期汉译佛经在汉语词汇史研究方面的重要价值。
- The plot narrative model and new changes in Tang dynasty fiction show that Chinese Buddhist Scripture is a real big treasure house of literature. 由以上这些唐代小说的情节和叙事模式的新变化可以看出,汉译佛典对唐代小说叙事的影响的确是非常深刻的。
- Chapter 2: the analysis of the narrative spatiotemporal of Chinese-translated Buddhist scripture of Eastern Han and Three Kingdoms. 第二章分析东汉三国汉译佛经的叙事时空。
- Chapter 4: the analysis of the narrative structure of Chinese-translated Buddhist scripture of Eastern Han and Three Kingdoms. 第四章东汉三国汉译佛经的叙事结构包括两方面:因果报应、转世轮回的思想构成其深层结构(即结构:艺道);
- Chapter 5: a brief discussion on the influence of the narrative of the Chinese-translated Buddhist scripture of Eastern Han and Three Kingdoms. 第五章东汉三国汉译佛经叙事影响简论。
- The description of the early Chinese-translated Buddhist scripture is embodied as the view of the surrealistic narrative spatiotemporal. 东汉三国汉译佛经对时空的描述体现为超现实的叙事时空观。
- As the logic of Chinese-translated Buddhist scripture, the idea of karma permeates into all the narration of the scripture. 因果报应的观念贯穿了整个佛经叙事,因果报应观念成了汉译佛经的叙事逻辑。
- In the meanwhile, the maturing narrative rulers of Chinese Buddhist Scripture showed active and profound influence to the Tang dynasty stories. 同时,汉译佛典所具有的趋渐成熟的叙事规范更是积极深刻地影响了唐代小说的叙事。
- White Conch: According to the Buddhist Scripture, Sakyamuni had a great voice when he preached to his pupils which just sounded like White Conch. 白海螺佛经载,释迦牟尼说法时声震四方,如海螺之音。
- Innumerable people come to Nam co devoutly since hundreds of years ago.They come only for pray Buddhist scripture not for sightseeing. 几百年来,无数人虔诚地来到纳木措,不为游览,只为转经。