- The deep relationship between Buddhism and Wushu is that Buddhism guides Wushu training with principles of Buddhism and challengeable way of Buddhism cultivating and makes are comparatively stable if we take Wushu training as Buddhism cultivating. 佛家与武术的思想会通,得以用佛家禅修之思想原理来指导武术训练,从而使武术训练成为一种更为复杂、更具挑战性的佛教禅修方式。
- Buddhism Cultivating and Wushu Training 佛教禅修与武术训练
- Buddhism cultivating 佛教禅修
- Buddhism is the religion founded by Buddha in North India. 佛教是佛陀创始于印度北部之宗教。
- Some young people study Zen Buddhism or Bahai. 有些年轻人研究禅宗佛教或伊斯兰巴哈教派的教义。
- Mr White has converted to Buddhism. 怀特先生已改信佛教。
- Every morning you can see him cultivating the corn. 每天早晨你都可以看见他在给玉米锄草松土。
- He devoted his life to preach Buddhism. 他献身于宣扬佛教。
- That man has a strong belief in Buddhism. 那个男子虔诚地信仰佛教。
- He works all day cultivating his vegetable garden. 他整天种他的菜园子。
- We demand a Buddhism that honors our myths. 我们要一种推崇那些神话的佛教。
- In buddhism they symbolise wisdom. 而在佛教中,孔雀则象征着智慧。
- Many people believe in Buddhism. 许多人信仰佛教。
- Meditation as practiced in Zen Buddhism. 坐禅象禅宗佛教中习练的默想
- The science and art of cultivating, maintaining, and developing forests. 森林学有关耕种、养护和发展森林的科学和艺术
- Tibetan Buddhism stands high in Tibetan culture. 藏传佛教在藏文化中占有崇训的地位。
- They are going about cultivating the wasteland. 他们开始垦荒。
- The Technique of Cultivating Yue Cucumber No. 岳黄瓜一号栽培技术。
- Cultivating on Innovative Ability II. 创新能力培育2。
- He is a pious adherent of Buddhism. 他是一位虔诚的佛教徒。