- Buffet the stormy waves 与怒涛搏斗
- The stormy waves pounded against the rocks. 暴风雨中的波浪猛烈地冲击岩石。
- The freighter split in two under the force of the stormy waves. 那货船在狂风巨浪中断成了两截。
- The ship split in two under the force of the stormy waves. 汹涌的巨浪把船打成了两半。
- Fortunately,the stormy waves caused trifling damage to the boat. 幸好,风浪使船只受到的损坏较轻。
- As a child,I used to enjoy watching the stormy waves breaking over the harbour wall. 我小时候喜欢看暴风雨掀起的巨浪漫过海港的防波堤。
- But one day he was caught in a tempest and this brave and tough son of his was engulfed in the stormy waves. 可是,在一次暴风雨中,这个儿子以他的大胆和勇猛葬身于大海的狂涛骇浪里了。
- As a child, I used to enjoy watching the stormy waves breaking over the harbour wall. 我小时候喜欢看暴风雨掀起的巨浪漫过海港的记波堤。
- The boat was tossed about in the stormy sea. 小船在风急雨骤的大海中颠簸。
- If afraid of failing, the stormy waves that afraid, afraid the great wave, afraid of attacking, then stay in the harbour forever, do others' interspersing. 如果怕失败,怕风浪,怕波涛,怕打击,那就永远呆在港湾里吧,做他人的点缀。但是,你是否能够找到自己生存的价值?活着,就是一种冒险,生活,将很难找到属于你自己的港湾。
- The fishermen cheated death in the stormy seas. 那些在波涛汹涌的海上作业的渔民们侥幸避开死神。
- The ship forged ahead through the stormy sea. 船在风急浪高的海面上稳稳行进。
- How Will the Ship Sail Safely in Stormy Waves? 船舶在大风浪中安全航行的探讨?
- The boat wallowed helplessly in the stormy sea. 那艘船在波浪滔滔的大海中无力地颠簸行驶。
- Strong winds buffet the ship from time to time. 狂风时不时地击打着航船。
- Our ship was tossed about on the stormy sea. 我们的船在暴风雨的海面上颠簸。
- The stormy weather gave way a period of sunshine. 暴雨天气变成了晴朗的天气。
- The swimmers cheated death in the stormy seas. 游泳者从狂风暴雨的大海中死里逃生。
- All of us were awake in the stormy night . 在那个暴风雨的夜晚,我们大家都没有睡着。
- A rough passage on the stormy sea. 在惊涛骇浪的海面上进行的一次历尽艰险的航行