- Building maintenance man 房屋维修工
- I was the janitor, bookkeeper, trainer, maintenance man, and boy Friday. 我既是看门人、计、练,也是维修工和跑腿的。
- The reason is this: By and large, Chinese housekeeping and building maintenance are far from the world best. 原因在于:一般说来,中国人的家务料理以及对楼房的维护离世界最高水平还相差很远。
- However, it is part and parcel of overall building maintenance, and should not be an end in itself. 毫无疑问,验楼对于楼宇妥善保养有一定作用。但这只是整体大厦保养的其中一环。
- Flatman is responsible for maintaining the safety devices (brake plate etc.) in decline. If problem occurs, it must be advised maintenance man timely. 挂钩工负责对斜井安全设施(阻车器等)进行检查,发现问题及时通知维修人员进行维修.
- We note that the community at large understand and accept the fundamental principle that building maintenance should be the owners responsibility. 我们知悉市民大众理解并接纳妥善保养楼宇是业主责任的基本原则。
- The Hon Wong Sing-chi has proposed that the Government should carry out more building maintenance works to alleviate the problem of unemployment. 其中黄成智议员提出增加大厦建筑维修工程的建议,以舒缓失业问题。
- Former Senator Bob Dole and former Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala will look into reports of patient neglect and poor building maintenance. 前参议员鲍勃?多尔和前卫生与公众服务部长唐娜?沙拉拉将对忽视病人和医疗设施维护问题进行调查。
- Victory Group, the son of the victory of veterans Joe Qiao Xiaodong birthday, the birthday the same day, Liu maintenance man inadvertently took a heavy ceremony, did. 胜利集团老总乔胜利的儿子乔晓东过生日,同一天生日的维修工刘成无意中带走了一份重礼,因此锒铛入狱。
- Monitor compliance with health and fire regulations regarding food preparation and serving, and building maintenance in lodging and dining facilities. 监控膳宿设施中的食品准备/供应和建筑物维修是否合乎卫生与防火安全法规要求。
- The 113-6RFP is equipped with manual reset to restore flow after the RPZ is repaired by the building maintenance engineer or backflow technician. 在减压区被建筑维护工程师或防倒流技术人员修好后,113-6RFP配置手动重新设置装置以恢复流量。
- Design, supply, install, repair and maintenance Building Maintenance Unit (BMU) for both internal and external safe access of the building 2. 大厦外墙清洁及维修专用吊船产品、安装、维修、保养。
- Maintenance men there quickly produced rags to make a bed behind the boiler for the fawn. 那里的工作人员立即拿出碎布,在锅炉后面给小鹿铺了张床。
- Former senator Bob Dole and former Health and Human Service Secretary Donna Shalala were looking to reports of patients neglected in pooling building maintenance. 前参议员鲍勃?尔和前卫生与公众服务部长唐娜?拉拉对忽视伤者赡养费的报告进行调查。
- Avoid human touching exposed electrical meeting-point unintentionally to cause injury and death , and prevent maintenance man from entering into electrical intervals to cause accidental damage. 避免人误触裸露的电气接点而造成的人身伤亡事故及防止检修人员误入带电间隙造成意外伤害。
- It may be more useful to integrate the need for regular inspections with the overall objective of promoting effective and sustained building maintenance. 研究如何将定期验楼融入持续有效的整体大厦管理及维修工作,效益可能更大。
- Head of the Task Force on Building Safety and Preventive Maintenance met with the media to introduce the multi-pronged approach and partnership for building maintenance. 检讨楼宇安全及预防性维修专责小组主管会见传媒,表示改善楼宇维修问题需要多管下采用不同的方案,更要社群心参与。
- One of my major tasks in the next few years is to promote building management and to encourage property owners to focus attention on building maintenance and safety. 我未来的一项重要工作是促进大厦管理,及鼓励业主注重楼宇维修及安全。
- If building maintenance is to be integrated as part of building management on a day-to-day basis, do you think this could solve the long-standing building neglect problem? 如果日常大厦管理工作系包埋大厦维修话,你认为可唔可以解决楼宇长远失修问题呢?
- Not only has the living environment of the owners concerned been improved, proper building maintenance has also helped to upgrade property values and reduce insurance premium. 有关业主除了居住环境得到改善外,妥善楼宇维修亦有助提升其物业价值及减低保险费用。