- Bulk flotation process 混合浮选
- Kerosene and butyl xanthate were used as collectors in bulk flotation. 混合浮选采用煤油加丁基黄药作为捕收剂。
- The pilot test shows that the flotation process is properly used. 中间试结果表明所选用的浮选工艺是合理的。
- The copper and sulfur flotation flowsheet of Chengchao Iron Concentrator consists of bulk flotation followed by the separation flotation of copper from sulfur. 程潮铁矿选矿厂铜、硫浮选流程为先混合浮选、后分离浮选工艺流程。
- The author also strongly re commends to apply the flotation process of drinking water to environmental engin eering. 特别建议将饮用水气浮工艺处理技术推广应用于环境工程治理。
- Using sequential selective flotation process and adding dextrin as main depressant obtain good separation result. 采用优先浮选工艺,糊精为主要抑制剂,获得了较好的分离指标。
- The calculation and drawing of flotation flowsheets are two critical parts for flotation process designing. 浮选流程计算及其绘图是浮选工艺流程设计的两个关键部分。
- As for mica type cyanite,using single flotation process including one roughing and three cleanings,good beneficiation indexes were obtained. 河南隐山蓝晶石矿伴生有金红石、云母和石英等矿物可综合利用。
- The problems of air flotation process to remove algae in waterworks are summarized. The causes are dis-cussed and counter-measurements are suggested. 总结了自来水厂气浮除藻实践中存在的问题,并分析产生这些问题的原因,提出一些对策。
- Reverse flotation process to remove magnesium is used to separate phosphate rock of Yichang Ph3-11(upper low-grade seam). 宜昌磷矿上贫矿采用单一的反浮选脱除白云石,下贫矿采用直接浮选或者重介质预选与浮选相结合。
- The reagents consumption advised by this system stabilizes the flotation process, and increases the recoveries.It is practicable in industrial process. 以模型为基础开发西林铅锌矿浮选过程药剂用量智能咨询系统,并进行工业试验。
- Bulk flotation of copper and cobalt 铜钴混合浮选
- Bulk flotation of copper and lead 铜铅混合浮选
- The morphologies of fibers and ink particles of the deinking pulp of mixed office waste paper before and after flotation process were investigated. 分析了混合办公废纸浆浮选前后以及浮选残渣中纤维和油墨粒子的形态,并对泡沫性能与固形物流失之间存在的联系进行了初步研究。
- Keywords cassiterite-polymetallic sulfide ore;bulk flotation;AO process; 锡石多金属硫化矿;混合浮选;AO法;
- Abstract: The problems of air flotation process to remove algae in waterworks are summarized. The causes are dis-cussed and counter-measurements are suggested. 文摘:总结了自来水厂气浮除藻实践中存在的问题,并分析产生这些问题的原因,提出一些对策。
- Direct flotation process or gravity separation joining up with flotation is used to separate phosphate rock of Yichang Ph3-11(underlying low-grade seam). 混合型高硅高镁的磷块岩矿石的选别工艺是正反浮选,低硅高镁的磷块岩为单一或双反浮选。
- The influences of column diameter and height on the countercurrent flotation process were discussed, and the new concepts of choked air bubbles and area load were put forward. 论述了柱径与柱高对逆流浮选柱浮选过程的影响,提出了气阻、面积负荷的概念。
- Keywords slimes;the loss of the midding;bulk flotation; 矿泥;流失中矿;混合浮选;
- Keywords Bulk flotation;Low copper and high sulfur;Sodium sulphite; 等可浮;低铜高硫;亚硫酸纳;