- Bulk storage bin for flour 粉料散存仓
- I bought a bread bin for my family. 我给家里买了一个面包箱。
- A bin for storing ore, grain, or other materials. 仓库储放矿石、谷物或其它材料的大箱
- The trapper exchanged furs for flour, coffee, and gunpowder. 捕兽的人用毛皮换取面粉、咖啡和火药。
- bulk storage bin 散粒贮仓,粮囤
- Will you put my baggage in the storage bin? 请把我的行李放到行李箱里好吗?
- It is for flour or breadcrumbs or icing sugar. 它是用来筛面粉,面包粉或糖粉的。
- Would you put this in the overhead bin for me? 请帮我把行李放到行李柜上好吗?
- Would you put this bag in the overhead bin for me? 请你帮我把行李放在行李柜上好吗?
- Bulk storage tanks are filled by liquid transport trailers. 由液体运输拖车来灌装大容量容器。
- The trapper exchanged furs for flour,coffee,and gunpowder. 捕兽的人用毛皮换取面粉、咖啡和火药。
- The trapperexchanged furs for flour, coffee, and gunpowder. 捕兽的人用毛皮换取面粉、咖啡和火药。
- Establish a waste bin for reclaim depose and used batteries. 建立废旧电池回收筒。
- Bulk Storage Lots of storage. Usually reels of magnetic tape or hard disks. 集中存储许多存储。通常是磁带或硬盘的卷轴。
- Research on the Gravity Mixing Storage Bins for Polyolefin 聚烯烃重力掺混料仓及其评价
- As for flour, cake, pastries, baked products, bulk agents, complex type of bread to quality, fried food improver. 如作面粉、蛋糕、糕点、烘焙制品的膨松剂;复配型面包改质剂;油炸食品改良剂。
- Only had to bash the garbage bin for five minutes before they arrived. 趁他们还没来,我怒殴垃圾桶五分钟。
- LPG is also supplied by road tanker to 162 bulk storage installations providing centralised piped gas supplies. 至于以中央管道系统输气的162个大型储存装置,则由缸车供应石油气。
- Fox example, set up low-level shelves and bins for easy storage. 例如,用一些矮一点的架子和存贮框。
- Remove the screws that secure the sunglasses storage bin module to the overhead console housing. 拆下固定太阳镜置物箱模组至正顶控制台的螺钉。