- By Chen Xiuluan 陈秀銮
- Invited to lunch at Vancouver Place By Chen Hong. 应邀与陈红在温哥华餐厅吃饭。
- Quite a few battles were commanded by Chen Xilian. 好几个战斗是陈锡联指挥的
- The Yangshanji battle was commanded by Chen Zaidao. 羊山集战斗就是陈再道指挥的
- The 4th Column, led by Chen Geng and Xie Fuzhi in the Taiyue area. 四纵陈赓、谢富治,在太岳。
- The curiosity of spit celestial bodies was aroused by Chen Jinglin. 小雨辰的好奇心被陈京琳激发了出来。
- The 2nd Column, led by Chen Zaidao and Song Renqiong in southern Hebei. 二纵陈再道、宋任穷,在冀南。
- The 3rd Column, led by Chen Xilian and Peng Tao in the Taihang area. 三纵陈锡联、彭涛,在太行。
- The letters by Chen Qing-shan to his son are meaningful and written with feelings from the heart. 陈晴山写给儿子的家书也很有意义,句句饱含真情。
- The team of directors and choreographers was led by Chen Yading and Zhou Weizhi. 编导组以陈亚
- A void coalescence-based spall model proposed by Chen et al was used to simulate these experiments numerically. 采用基于空穴聚集的层裂模型,数值模拟这些平板撞击致层裂实验。
- Visitors are attracted by a banquet of stone and pebble dishes designed by Chen Xinghong. 由陈兴红设计的石头宴和鹅卵石菜肴吸引了众多游人。
- The Right opportunists in the Party,headed by Chen Tu-hsiu,would not accept his views and stuck to their own wrong ideas. 当时党内以陈独秀为首的右倾机会主义者,不愿意接受毛泽东的意见,而坚持自己的错误见解。
- Some of the battles at Shuangduiji were commanded by Wang Jinshan and Du Yide and some by Chen Geng, Yang Yong and Su Zhenhua. 双堆集战斗有一面是王近山、杜义德指挥的,也有是陈赓、杨勇、苏振华指挥的。
- A new threshold multi-proxy multi-signature scheme is presented by the scheme based on aftine space RSA proposed by Chen Kefei. 利用陈克菲提出的基于仿射空间的门限RSA密码体制,设计了一个新的多重代理、多重签名方案。
- By contrast,they claimed,"Taiwan has stood up" as declared by Chen Shui-bian carried a real message of democracy,indicating that the Taiwanese people had become their own master. 而陈水扁的“台湾站起来”,是具有民主的理性意涵,是台湾人民当家做主。
- To explore psychosexual and sex education situation of college students.To provide questionnaire made by Chen Jialin to 1570 college students from Chongqing Medical University. 为了解大学生性心理和性教育的现状,对重庆医科大学1570名大学生进行问卷调查。
- This kind trades means, be by denominate " continuously redound " , be considered as participator of electronic business affairs by Chen Xiaowei people core driving force. 这种交易方式,被定名为“持续回报”,并被陈晓伟认为是电子商务参与者们的核心驱动力。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- British colonies were ruled by governors. 英国的殖民地由总督统治。