- By Lee Eng Lock 李永乐
- Audion: Elementary radio tube developed by Lee De Forest (patented 1907). 三极检波管:由美国的德福雷斯特所发明(1907年获专利权)的一种基本的电子管。
- Buttle is a member of the Mariposa School of Skating where he was coached by Lee Barkell and Rafael Arutunian. 是的,生命还要继续。走出去,外面是一片更广阔的天空,阳光依旧灿烂如常。
- Nar Jar (Chan Ho Man, Benny) was a" Fire Master" in his previos life.He was killed by Lee Ching (Yuen Wah). 哪吒(陈浩文)前世为火德星君,因中商朝名将李靖(元华)一箭而死。
- The Review has a long history of being taken on by Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore's courts. 这本杂志在曾被李光耀告上新加坡法庭,而且纠缠颇久。
- A high school student named Min (played by Lee) follows his professor father to Japan. 一个叫民的高中生(李俊基饰)随教授父亲到了日本。
- East Hall by Lee Evans and amphetamine type Si (nationality unknown) to create two priests. 东堂由利类思和安文思(国籍不详)二位神甫创建。
- The main virulence factors for EHEC O157 include Stx,hemolysin and effector proteins encoded by LEE pathogenicity island. 控制该病暴发流行的最好措施是免疫预防,但目前还没有研制出可用于人的疫苗。
- She had to go instead to a foundation set up by Lee Iacocca, the former chairman of Chrysler Corporation, whose wife died of diabetic complications. 佛斯特曼后来转向克莱斯勒前任董事长艾科卡(LeeIacocca)成立的基金会申请经费,艾科卡的妻子死于糖尿病并发症。
- Guided by Lee's emphases of water, health and hunger, and literacy, Rotarians can help prevent needless deaths of children, Wilkinson said. 魏京森告诉总监当选人说全球缺乏安全的饮用水,每天造成5岁以下的儿童至少有6,000位可避免的死亡。
- Hillary had been moved to make this argument by reading an article written by Lee Atwater shortly before he died at forty of cancer. 希拉里是读了李.;阿特沃特的一篇文章受了感动,才发表上述观点的。那篇文章是阿特沃特40岁死于癌症前不久写的。
- Every year in February 17th of the lunar calendar he patronized a marionette show by Lee Tien-Fu(李添福) to celebrate His Majesty's birthday. 在此情形可说纯为酬神祝贺性质,而请演傀儡戏则出于对该神最大的敬意。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- British colonies were ruled by governors. 英国的殖民地由总督统治。
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
- The bride was given away by her father. 由父亲把新娘交与新郎。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- His disease was complicated by pneumonia. 他的病因肺炎并发症而变得更严重。
- The question was decided by referendum. 这问题是由全民投票决定的。