- An Ottoman Turk. 奥斯曼土耳其人
- In Asia Minor the Ottoman Turks continued their advance. 在小亚细亚地区,奥斯曼土耳其人势力继续向前推进。
- Ankara and Yerevan have no diplomatic ties but a relationship haunted by the question of whether ethnic Armenians killed by Ottoman Turks during World War One were victims of systematic genocide. 安卡拉和埃里温之间没有外交关系,第一次世界大战期间奥托曼帝国土耳其人杀害的亚美尼亚人是否属于有组织的种族清洗的受害者,这个问题一直笼罩着双方的关系。
- The mass killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks during Word War I remains a highly sensitive issue with Turkey resisting widespread calls for it to recognize the killings as genocide. 一战期间土耳其奥斯曼帝国对亚美尼亚人的大屠杀始终是一个高度敏感问题,土耳其政府拒绝承认那是一次种族灭绝行为。
- In 1917, after the defeat of the Ottoman Turks, the area came under the control of the British. 在1917年土耳其马人战败后,该地区成为了英国的管辖区域。
- This army distinguished itself in campaigns against the Ottoman Turks in 1821-23. 这支军队在1821--1823年对奥斯曼土耳其人的战斗中显露头角。
- Under the rule of the declining Ottoman Turks, the returning Jews joined other Jews who had remained in the area for centuries. 在衰败的奥斯曼土耳其的统治之下,重返的犹太人加入到那些几个世纪以来一直生活在这里的犹太人。
- When that comes, it will be the end of the Serbian control, real or nominal, that began when Serbia retook the province from the Ottoman Turks in 1912. 如果科索沃正式宣布独立,那就正式宣布自从1912年塞尔维亚从奥斯曼土耳其夺取这块土地以来,塞尔维亚对该地区无论是名义上还是事实上的控制彻底终结了。
- Ottoman Turks advanced into Albania,and took control in the Balkan country in 1415. 1415年土耳其入侵,并控制了这个国家。
- In 1453 Constantinople was captured by the Ottoman Turks, and the Hagia Sophia was converted into a mosque. 1453年,君士坦丁堡被土耳其人攻占,圣索菲亚大教堂也被改建成清真寺。
- Mohacs this tradition is generally considered the year from the legend of aggression against the Ottoman Turks. 莫哈奇这一传统通常被认为是出自当年抗击奥斯曼土耳其人侵略的传说。
- They achieved little;most were directed against the growing might of the Ottoman Turks rather than towards recovery of the Holy Places. 他们很少取胜,多数十字军的目标是反对奥斯曼突厥日益壮大的势力而不是恢复圣地。
- He returned to Persia to find that the Mamelukes of Egypt and the Ottoman Turks had united against him and recaptured Baghdad. 他回到波斯之后发现,埃及的马木路克和奥斯曼突厥已经联合起来反对他,并收复了巴格达。
- Their purpose was twofold: Abbas hoped to gain allies for his struggles against the encroaching Ottoman Turks and also to build up Iran's silk trade. 为了展示和提升自己的权力,他用极度奢华的时尚气质来扩建和妆点伊斯法罕。
- A city of northwest Turkey west of Ankara. It dates from the third century b.c. and was a capital of the Ottoman Turks in the1300's. Population,445,113. 布尔萨土耳其西北部一座城市,位于安卡拉以西,始建于公元前3世纪,是14世纪奥斯曼土耳其帝国的首都。人口445,113。
- A city of northwest Turkey west of Ankara. It dates from the third century b.c. and was a capital of the Ottoman Turks in the1300's. Population, 445, 113. 布尔萨土耳其西北部一座城市,位于安卡拉以西,始建于公元前3世纪,是14世纪奥斯曼土耳其帝国的首都。人口445,113
- The ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire. 总督拜占庭帝国一个省的统治者
- Over the centuries its walls have been reddened by the blood of 1)Jebusites and Jews, Babylonians and Persians, armies of Arabs, 2)Crusaders, Ottoman Turks and the British Empire. 多少个世纪以来,它的城墙被耶布斯人和犹太人、巴比伦人和波斯人、阿拉伯军队、十字军、奥斯曼帝国的土耳其人以及大英帝国军队的鲜血染红。
- When the Ottoman Turks defected the Mameluke forces in 1517, Palestine came under the rule of a new empire that was to dominate the entire Near East for the next 400 years. 当奥斯曼土耳其帝国在1517年打败了马穆鲁克后,巴勒斯坦在随后的400年,被当时支配整个近东的新帝国统治。
- The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions. 战争因军火不足而失败。