- A study of Lu Xun's classical poetry. 鲁迅旧体诗研究。
- H i a l g f y f. I a c w a t c e o i. I h i c b h. 雪莉:这是给你们家的一点小礼物。是一本台历,上面列出了所有的社区活动。希望这能对你们有帮助。
- I o n c e d r e a m e d o f y o u ..... 平静地关注着,平静地思考着,平静地努力着,平静的期许着。
- The mathematical models for F F G C E wer... 还将模型计算结果与实验结果进行了比较。
- There is profound implication in Chinese classical poetry. 摘要古典诗歌富有深厚的意蕴美。
- S u c c e s s o r t o.A n d rex and Phil ips Ind u strial X. YXLON 出品的工业级图象增强器特别为无损.;检测的需求而设计,可应用于各种不同的领域。
- February in 2004, "The whole Taiwanese Classical Poetry" was published. 2004年2月“全台诗搜集整理编辑出版计划”,出版第一阶段成果《全台诗》一至五册。
- In Chinese classical poetry,the reiterative diction is one of rhetoric methods. 叠字是中国古典诗词的修辞手段之一,其主要修辞功能是抒情、叙事、状物、摹声。
- The chairmen wrote many classic poetry, which are very popular among people. 主席写了许多古典诗词,这些诗词受到人们的喜爱。
- "Flavor",as the core of Chinese classical Shilun,is a classical poetry theory with distinct national features. “味”是中国古典诗论的核心范畴,是富有鲜明民族特色的古典诗歌理论。
- First, jing Literary School's imagery is different from Chinese classical poetry and the Western imagism. 京派意象是中国传统诗艺与西方象征主义、意象派等诗学思潮相融合的产物。
- This thesis aims at demonstrating the falsehood of the untranslatable quality of ancient Chinese classical poetry. 摘要论证中外学者大量的诗歌翻译实践中表明“诗歌不可译”之类的看法实属片面。
- La in mezzo al campo C’e un nuovo campione Un tiro che parte da questa canzone Forza non mollare mai!!! AMALA! 在往球场的道路上; 诞生了一个新的冠军.;是从这首歌出发的那支队伍
- Modern image is used by New Moon School to deconstruct the image pattern of classical poetry. 新月派现代意象的营造对古典诗歌意象模式的解构。
- Balocchi C E,Bridgwater F E.Selection efficiency in a non selected population of loblolly pine[J].For.Sci. 周永学;苏晓华;樊军锋;等.;引种欧洲黑杨无性系苗期生长测定与选择[J]
- With the help of Chinese classical poetry, Pound’s Imagist movement and Vorticist movement achieve great success. 后者丰富的意象、深刻的主题与精炼的语言给庞德的意象主义运动与漩涡主义运动以巨大的帮助。
- T h e c a r w a s q u i t e o l d , y e t i t w a s i n e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . 2)转折(拐弯抹角)批评某人缺点的时候,我们总习惯先拐弯抹角说说他的优点,然后转入正题,再说缺点,这种方式虽然阴险了点,可毕竟还比较容易让人接受。
- Classical poetry sound, singing, insidiously to reverberate in the square. Today is a happy day! 古诗声,歌声,琅琅地回荡在广场上。今天真是快乐的一天!
- Objective: To study clinical significance of endogenous vitamin C 、 E in patients With hypertension and stroke. 目的:探讨高血压病和脑卒中患者内源性维生素C、E的抗氧化作用。
- Compared with the western classical literature, the ancient Chinese classical poetry and rhapsody seem to be not rich enough in the description of the sea. 与西方古典文学相比,中国古代诗赋中,关于大海的描写显得不够丰富。