- Calamus erectusn. 直立省藤
- We gradually evolved from homo erectus. 我们就是从直立人渐渐进化而成的。
- Former genus of primitive ape-like men are now Homo erectus. 以前为原始的类猿人现在为直立人。
- Mom: Son, these plants are sprigs of calamus and mugwort. 妈妈:儿子呀,这些是菖蒲和艾草。
- The office chair is no place for the descendants of Homo erectus. 办公室里的椅子,也不是很适合直立人的后代们。
- From November to December,Acorus calamus was still in growth. 菖蒲从11月到12月仍在生长发育。
- Extraction and Separation of Insecticidal Constituents from Acorus Calamus L. 水菖蒲的杀虫活性成分提取与初步分离。
- Many concluded that the fossil was not H. erectus but a later species. 许多人还断定那个化石不属于直立人,而是较晚期的人类。
- This stage produced a tuft of barbs fused to the hollow cylinder, or calamus. 在这一阶段,有一簇羽枝会与中空圆柱融合在一起,形成翮(即羽根)。
- What LB1 looks like most, the researchers concluded, is a miniature H. erectus. 研究人员的结论是,LB1与直立人最像,不过是个具体而微的直立人。
- Waterside plants such as calamus, reed general Zhi Cong in the shore. 水边植物如水葱、菖蒲、芦苇等一般在岸边丛植。
- The fossil skull is the only wholly preserved skull of a homo erectus in China. 这个头骨化石是目前我国仅存的直立人头骨。
- Gross 67 breed, basically be China pink, calamus, still rose, tulip waits. 总共六七个品种,主要是石竹、菖蒲,还有玫瑰、郁金香等。
- They created HuMans, Homo Sapiens, through genetic manipulation with themselves and ape man Homo Erectus. 他们创造了人类,智人,通过基因遗传而帮助猿人变成智人。
- Objective To evaluate the toxicity of chicken calamus keratin (CCK) conduit as a tissue-engineered scaffold material. 摘要目的观察鸡羽根角蛋白管作为组织工程材料的毒性作用。
- Rather the delicacy of the brow, the projection of the face and the curvature of the rear of the skull evoke H. habilis, the presumed forebear of H. erectus. 他的眉脊不发达、面孔突出,还有后脑壳的弧度都与巧人很像,而学者一般假定巧人是直立人的祖先。
- Spikenard and saffron; Calamus and cinnamon, With all the trees of frankincense; Myrrh and aloes, With all the chief spices. 14有哪哒和番红花,菖蒲和肉桂,并各样乳香木、没药、沉香,与一切上等的香料。
- Is the Protruding Nasal Saddle of the Nanjing Homo erectus Caused by Adaptation to Cold Climate? 南京直立人的高鼻梁是由于对寒冷气候的适应吗?
- Hydrophytes (Iris tectorum and Acorus calamus) were planted on the thread of coco in an open pool of eutrophic water. 将鸢尾和菖蒲种植在椰丝基质上并放入富营养化的水塘中,实验在自然条件下进行。