- Callambulyx orbitan. 眼斑天蛾
- The space shuttle will orbita weather satellite. 太空梭将把一个气象卫星送入运行轨道。
- Orbita introduces Logistics Automation Management System. 欧比特推出物流自动化管理系统。
- Orbita says, “To me it’s more noble to save a man’s life” than to summit. 欧比塔说,比起登顶,“救人一命更为高尚。”
- The last day of Glacier School on Rainier, Mazur walked alongside Orbita, who was in pain with an injured knee and limping far behind the others. 在雷尼尔山上“冰河学校”的最后一天,麦哲走在欧比塔身旁。欧比塔因一膝盖受伤而疼得厉害,一拐一拐地走着,远远落在其他人后面。
- But they were a little sad, because it was so long between times that they got to be near each other, what with orbita mechanics being what they are and all. 但是它们也有一点点的伤感,因为每颗星星都有各自运行的轨道,相互靠近需要太长太长的时间。
- Conclusion The restoration of both soft and stiff tissue and canthoplasty play an important role in late retoration of traumatic defomities around the orbita. 结论眶周畸形的后期整复在修复软组织缺损的同时,应注重硬组织的填充和复位,兼顾内外眦的整复;如眼球已摘除应尽可能安装眼座、佩带义眼。
- Methods The palpebral fascia was folded or resected, the excessive tissue around orbita was deleted and lateral canthus ligament was elevated and fixed on the periosteum of the orbita. 方法采用眶隔筋膜重叠缝合或眶隔膜悬垂缘切除的方法,使松弛悬垂的眶隔膜重获紧绷状态。同时常规将松弛的外眦韧带折叠收紧,缝合在略高于睑裂水平线的眶缘骨膜上,有效地矫正了外眦角的下垂畸形。
- Callambulyx tatarinovi sichangensisn. 西昌偷绿天蛾
- Orbita SPW IP core includes two sub-modules 核包括两个子模块
- New method to correct the degenerative lesion around orbita in blepharochalasis 眶部退行性病变的上睑松垂整形术
- Method of the Group Theory to Discuss the Theory of Hybridized Valence Orbita 用群论方法讨论轨道杂化理论
- No3 and No4 buildings of Orbita High-Tech Park project second stage has finished 2007-3-1 欧比特科技园二期3 4号楼竣工2007-3-1
- Keywords Deformities around the orbita;Soft and stiff tissue;Latestage restoration; 眶周畸形;软、硬组织;后期整复;
- Callambulyxn. 绿天蛾属
- Callambulyx tatarinovin. 榆绿天蛾
- Callambulyx rubricosan. 绿带闭目天蛾
- Restitution and fixation of old fractures of orbita and orbital floor with vicinal facial cranium fracture by using titanium microplate 微型钛板固定整复陈旧性眶底、眶骨骨折伴邻近颅面骨骨折
- Keywords orbita and pars zygomatica approach;cavernous sinus;triangle;internal carotid artery;cerebral nerves;microanatomy; 额颞部眶颧入路;海绵窦;三角;显微解剖;脑神经;颈内动脉;