- Can a fad save us? 可以代言救我们?
- Nothing but a miracle can save us. 只有奇迹才能救我们。
- These robots will save us a lot of labor. 这些机器人可以节省我们大量劳工。
- The computer will save us a lot of time. 电脑将使我们省下许多时间。
- A short-lived popular fashion; a fad. 短暂的时尚:流行一时的狂热
- Jodie: What can a lipstick bring us? 朱迪:一支口红能带给我们什么?
- Oh,that will save us a lot of trouble. 哦,那就省事儿多了。
- Her desire to learn French was only a fad. 她学法语只不过是5分钟热乎劲罢了。
- He could save us a lot of running these days. 现在这种时候,他可以免去我们许多奔波。
- In the past two decades, fitness has become a fad. 过去20年来,健美已蔚为风尚。
- "Hello Kitty" began as a fad out became trend. 凯蒂猫从一时的时尚走向流行的趋势。
- Jesus Christ came into the world to save us from our sins. 基督降世拯救我们摆脱罪恶。
- That will save us a great deal of trouble. 那将省去我们很多麻烦。
- Oh, that will save us a lot of trouble. 哦,那就省事儿多了。
- It would not be sensible/wise to assume they can save us. 以为他们会救我们是不明智的。
- This machine will save us a lot of trouble. 这部机器可使我们省下很多麻烦。
- As a shape shifter, what forms can a druid take? 如果使用变形术,德鲁伊可以变成什么?
- Can a man touch pitch and not be defiled? 一个人能出污泥而不染吗?
- That will save us a lot of trouble . 那将可免除我们许多麻烦。
- How can a referee penalize a player? 裁判怎样处罚犯规运动员?