- May I have a telegraph form, please? 史:请问,我能领一张发电报表格吗?
- Can I have a telegraph form? 我可以拿一张电报纸吗?
- Can I have a volunteer to wash the dishes? 谁自愿来帮忙收拾一下这些盘子?
- Can I see the manager, please? I have a complaint. 请问,我可以见经理吗?我有意见。
- Hello, can I have a protest form, please? 你好,可以给我一张抗议表吗?
- Can I have a tax-refund form, please? 请给我一张退税表格好吗?
- Can I have a look at it, please? 我可以看看吗?
- My feet are as cold as ice, nurse. Can I have a hot water bottle? 护士,我的脚非常冷,可以给我一只热水瓶吗?
- Can I have a read of that timetable? 我可以看一下那张时间表吗?
- Can I have a transfer to a new office? 我能调换到一个新办公室去吗?
- Can I have a card with the hotel's address? 是否可给我一张有旅馆地址的名片?
- Operator, can I have a trunk call to bedford645931, extension214, please? 话务员,我想打个长途到Bedford645931号214分机。
- Excuse me, can I have a look at this calculator? 对不起,我可以看一下这个计算机吗?
- Can I have a list of the names of all the managers? 我可以要一张包括所有经理在内的名单吗?
- Can I have a look at the car first? 不过,我可以看看车子吗?
- Can I have a double room for tonight, please? 今晚我可以租一间双人房吗?
- Can I have a youth hostel list ? 是否可提供我一份青年旅馆的目录?
- Can I have a tea and two coffees. 请给我一杯茶和两杯咖啡。
- Can I have a cup of draft beer please? 能给我来杯扎啤吗?
- Can I have a pint of bitter please? 请给我来一品托的苦啤。