- Can a single hand clap? 一个巴掌拍得响吗?
- I think you can count the good corners from these two on a single hand. 我想我们用一只手就能数清除他们俩一共罚了多少成功的角球。
- Can a single mother afford to stay home? How to deal with the pressure? 单亲妈妈不去工作可能吗?单亲家庭压力重重怎么办?
- He would not stop his ship for any one, nor could he part with a single hand, whoever swung for it. 不管为了什么人,他也不能停船;不管是谁被处于绞刑,他也不能放回一个水手。
- And even though many of them are neophyte gamblers, they often bet thousands of dollars on a single hand. 尽管他们中很多是新手,但往往一注就下数千美元。
- Can a man really climb down the chimney of every house in the world in a single night? 这个世界上真有人能在仅仅一晚上里爬进每一家的烟囱里吗?
- To prove that it actually works,he drinks one and lifts the side of his wagon with a single hand. 为了证实它真的很有效,他喝下一瓶然后用一只手抬起了他货车的一边。
- Not only can a single rainfall process but also erosion and hydrological process in a certain time of cycle be analyzed, the results can be printed in figure, graph or curve. 模型既可对单一的降雨过程进行分析,也可对一定时间周期内的侵蚀和水文过程进行分析,并且可用数据、图形和曲线等形式输出运行结果。
- The letter was written on a single sheet of paper. 这封信只用一张纸写成。
- I can not understand a single thing he's saying. 他所说的,我一句都听不懂。
- If all the means of production were vested in a single hand, whether it be nominally that of "society" as a whole or that of a dictator, whoever excercisses this control has complete power over us. 一旦全部生产资料集中到一只手上,无论这只手是名义上的全“社会”,还是属于一个独*者,谁掌握了这只手,谁就有了统治我们的全部权力。”
- He got over the stream with a single leap. 他一跃就跳过了小溪。
- The bridge crosses the river in a single span. 河上那座桥是单跨桥。
- Do you want a single or a return ticket? 你要单程票还是往返票?
- As a shape shifter, what forms can a druid take? 如果使用变形术,德鲁伊可以变成什么?
- Can a man touch pitch and not be defiled? 一个人能出污泥而不染吗?
- The huntsman fired a single shot at the lion and settled its hash. 猎人朝那只狮子开了一枪,把它打死了。
- She wore a single orchid on her evening dress. 她在晚礼服上缀着一朵兰花。
- How can a referee penalize a player? 裁判怎样处罚犯规运动员?
- Can a camel smell water a mile off? 骆驼能出在一哩外的水吗?