- Know the Canadian national mosaic, but also it is not difficult to understand the Canadian culture plate situation. 了解了加拿大的民族马赛克,也不难弄懂加拿大的文化人拼盘现象。
- These activities help students to meet new friends, experience Canadian culture and make the most of their CIST experience. 学生们通过这些活动结交新朋友并充分体验加拿大的风土人情。
- In this chapter, it analyzes the reasons why European culture did not succeed in building unified Canadian culture like the United States did. 第一章,介绍欧洲文化在加拿大的形成,以及其在多元文化中的支柱地位。
- However,Atwood takes the morbid national psychology as the nature of Canadian culture and literature,thus showing a recognition of and submission to colonial culture. 然而阿特伍德将民族病态当作民族的文化和文学的本质特征,却在客观上表明了对殖民文化的认可和屈从。
- In addition she is also a media star in the firmament of world literature and a powerful communicator of Canadian culture as well as human rights issues on a global scale. 此外,作为加拿大文化和人权问题的有力传播者,阿特伍德在世界文学领域也是广受媒体青睐的明星。
- ESL and International Schools are effective in assisting a wide variety of international learners to master the English language as well as integrating them into Canadian culture and school. ESL和国际学校是有效的在协助各种各样的国际学习者掌握英文并且集成他们入加拿大文化和学校。
- These questions, which confront all employees of Canadian companies - particularly immigrant employees who are not familiar with the Canadian culture - would never get a unique answer. 在加拿大公司任职的雇员,尤其是对那些不熟悉加拿大企业文化的移民雇员都会面对这些问题,而且对于这些问题从来也没有一个统一的答案。
- Canadian culture, Methodism, New Criticism, Oswald Spengler and Carl Gustav Jung have the influence on the production of Northrop Frye's cultural critical theory. 弗莱文化批评的生成受到加拿大文化、卫理教、新批评、斯宾格勒和荣格的影响。
- The well-established individualist/collectivist cultural domain was employed through application to Taiwanese and Canadian cultural contexts. 本研究将台湾和加拿大的文化内涵应用到发展极为成熟个人主义者/群体主义者的文化评估架构上。
- Canadian Culture Week in Beijing Campus 北京几所大学举办加拿大文化周活动
- Anti-American Tradition in Canadian Culture 加拿大文化中的反美传统
- Analysis of the Source of Canadian Culture 浅析加拿大多元文化之源由
- The course during which pluralistic culture came into being not only brought into the diverse futures of Canadian culture, but also produced conflicts and contradictions among different cultures. 多元文化形成过程既造就了加拿大文化丰富的多样性未来,同时也产生了不同文化间的矛盾和冲突。
- Canadian cultural critic and communications theorist who maintained that the method of communicating information has more influence on the public than the information itself. His books include The Medium is the Message(1967). 麦克卢恩,(赫伯特)马歇尔1911-1980加拿大文化批评家、传播理论学家。他认为传播信息的手段在公众身上产生的影响比信息本身还要大。他的著作包括媒介即信息(1967年)
- Canadian cultural critic and communications theorist who maintained that the method of communicating information has more influence on the public than the information itself.His books include The Medium is the Message(1967. 麦克卢恩,(赫伯特)马歇尔1911-1980加拿大文化批评家、传播理论学家。他认为传播信息的手段在公众身上产生的影响比信息本身还要大。他的著作包括媒介即信息(1967年)
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- The Queen is making a private visit to Canada. 女王正对加拿大进行私人访问。
- Liberals sweep to victory in divided Canada. 加国选举,自由党大获全胜。
- He was one of the apostles of the new culture. 他曾是新文化的倡导者之一。
- He spent his adult life in Canada. 他在加拿大度过了他的成年时期。