- Cangxian uplift 沧县隆起
- Her encouragement gave me a great sense of uplift. 她鼓励我激发了我的上进心。
- The hero's speech is a great uplift for us. 英雄的演讲是对我们的极大鼓舞。
- Your mind needs uplift as well as your bust. 你的精神,和你的胸脯一样,必须进一步提高。
- You mind needs an uplift as well as your bust. 你的精神,和你的胸脯一样,必须进一步提高。
- Uplift is the upward pressure under a dam. 上浮压力指的是在坝体下面向上作用的压力。
- Your mind needs an uplift as well as your bust. 你的精神,和你的胸脯一样,必须进一步提高。
- The news gave them a much needed uplift. 这消息给他们带来了及时的鼓舞。
- Enough faith to keep you uplift! 足够的信心,使你不致丧志!
- His encouragement gave me a hot sense of uplift. 他的鼓励激发了我的上进心。
- The hero's speech is great uplift for us. 英雄的演讲是对我们的极大鼓舞。
- Reading good books can uplift one's soul. 阅读好书可提高人的心灵修养。
- The hero's speech is a great color=# cc0066> uplift for us. 英雄的演讲是对我们的极大鼓舞。
- Education and work are the levers to uplift a people. 教育与工作是提高民族素质的杠杆。
- A good read can uplift one's intelligent cultivation. 阅读好书可提高人的心灵修养。
- His moment of recessionary uplift may be about to pass. 经济衰退加剧的时刻可能将要过去。
- Uplift and erosion at last produced the desert landscape we see today. 最后,地表抬升和侵蚀作用产生了我们今日所见的沙漠风貌。
- The fundamental goal of economic development is to uplift the living standards and quality of life of the people. 发展经济的根本目的是提高全国人民的生活水平和质量。
- Intermontane basins in relatively stable regions subjected to regional uplift. 较稳定区域内的山间盆地,曾有过区域隆起。