- I nearly fear to tear the tearful girl%26rsquo;s test paper. 我几乎害怕撕那个泪流满面的女孩的试卷.
- Last Saturday’s test with the Primavera was important. 上个星期六和青年队的那一次检验很重要。
- I nearly fear to tear the tearful girl s test paper. 我几乎害怕撕那个泪流满面的女孩的试卷。
- IBM's test, performed Sept. 16, also is likely to be outdone by a later score. IBM的记录是9/16的测试结果; 其近期的测试结果也打破了那个记录.
- The test results show that the PIGA's test precision can be improved one order higher using three-axis turntable. 试验结果表明,利用三轴转台可以成功地将陀螺加速度表测试精度提高一个数量级。
- However, the Tribunal would not determine at this stage that the contractor’s test was the only test for ascertaining rateable value. 不过,审裁处没有裁定承建商基准是确定应课差饷租值的唯一基准。
- Ok, now go hit The sack, but after tomorrow''s test we will have to study seriously for next week''s test, no more goofing off. 明天考试后你想好好学习,为下星期的考试作准备。没问题,我帮你准备,我们俩都会考得很好。
- Ok, now go hit the sack, but after tomorrow's test we will have to study seriously for next week's test, no more goofing off. 明天考试后你想好好学习,为下星期的考试作准备。没问题,我帮你准备,我们俩都会考得很好。
- Agilent‘s test platform provides multichannel stimulus and real-time analysis capabilities with frame decoding for extensive link layer test. 安捷伦测试平台提供了多波段激励和带有结构解码功能的实时分析性能,用于广泛的链路层测试。
- But from the published literatures , topic for discussion of test sociological antilogy is very dispersive and lack of systemic studying specially Boudieu’s test theory . 但是,从已有文献来看,品味社会学思想研究的议题极其分散,缺少系统的梳理,几乎没有专门研究布迪厄有关品味社会学思想的专门著。
- The product conforms to GB standard easy to use as a result of preferably integration performance;JIS product,s test method is easy to application as a individual standard. GB的产品标准综合性较好便于使用,JIS的测试方法标准为一个标准更利于应用。
- Our fighter planes are all armed with cannon. 我们的战斗机都装备了机关炮。
- The cannon shot the town to pieces. 大炮的射击毁了这座城市。
- The front gate was blasted open with a cannon. 前门被大炮轰开了。
- An early form of cannon that fired stone balls. 射石炮早期发射石弹大炮的一种
- Gattuso, who came on as a substitute for the Azzurri in their dismal 2-1 World Cup 2010 qualifying win in Cyprus last night, had been expected to start Wednesday’s test against Georgia in Udine. 加图索在昨晚2010年世界杯预选赛意大利2-1战胜塞浦路斯的比赛中替补登场,随后预期他能在乌迪内进行的意大利和格鲁吉亚的比赛中首发。
- So, the designer should take these into consideration, not only product test method, but also design validation method, to reduce TTM.And, reduce the chip’s test cost with acceptable test coverage. 这些要求,需要芯片的设计者在设计的最初阶段就必须考虑芯片的工程样片测试和产品测试手段,以便缩短芯片上市时间,并在满足产品成品率的测试覆盖率的前提下,尽量降低芯片的产品测试成本。
- Two measures of cognitive instruments were employed, the Chinese Version of the Test of Nonverbal Intelligence and Torrance’s Tests of Creative Thinking (Figural B). 测验工具为:毕保德 图画词汇测验修订版甲式、托尼非语言智力测验与陶伦思创造力测验。
- A cluster of small iron balls formerly used as a cannon charge. 葡萄弹,霰弹以前用作火包装填物的一簇小铁丸
- The company’s tests in Taiwan had determined that its nondairy creamer, which was made in China, was contaminated by melamine, the F.D.A. said. 公司在台湾的测试结果显示,其产品中来自中国大陆的非奶类乳脂替代品成分中也发现了三聚氰胺。