- Capital Steel Complex 首钢
- He works as technician at an iron and steel complex. 他在一个钢铁联合厂做技术员。
- Thai Nguyen Iron and Steel Complex: Thai Nguyen, Bac Thai Province. 太原钢铁联合企业:在北太省太原。
- Beijing Capital Steel Scrap Motor Vehicle Comprehensive Utilization Co., Ltd. 北京首特钢报废机动车综合利用有限公司。
- Influence of Drinking Alcohol on Mental Health of Male Workers in Selected Workshops of Iron and Steel Complex. 饮酒行为对钢铁企业职工心理健康影响的研究。
- Anshan: a city of northeast China south-southwest of Shenyang. It has an enormous integrated iron and steel complex. 鞍山:中国东北部一城市,位于沈阳西南偏南。这里有大型钢铁合成制造基地。
- The Xi mining area, Bayan Obo Mine is a reserve base of raw materials for the Baotou Iron and Steel Complex. 包头白云鄂博西矿是包钢的后备原料基地。
- Certainly. Projects such as the Anshan Iron and Steel Complex and some of the large enterprises in Xi'an constitute the backbone of our economic development. 肯定要,而且新的大的是我们建设的骨干,像鞍钢及西安一些大的企业就是骨干企业。
- By the end of 2002, the Capital Steel & Iron Corporation will cut its steel production by 2 million tons; and further reduction shall be realized with the heavily polluting processes eliminated and the product portfolio optimized to reduce pollution. 首钢到2002年年底前减产200万吨,2007年年底前进一步压缩生产规模,淘汰污染严重的生产工艺,同时进一步优化产品结构,减少污染。
- Founded in 1957, Guangzhou Iron and Steel Factory, the predecessor of GISE, was the first iron and steel complex in Guangdong Province. 广钢集团的前身广州钢铁厂,是广东省第一家钢铁联合企业,始建于1957年。
- By the end of 2002,the Capital Steel & Iron Corporation will cut its steel production by 2 million tons; and further reduction shall be realized with the heavily polluting processes eliminated and the product portfolio optimized to reduce pollution. 首钢到2002年年底前减产200万吨,2007年年底前进一步压缩生产规模,淘汰污染严重的生产工艺,同时进一步优化产品结构,减少污染。
- The test and industrial results are introduced of separation of Qidashan Mine's low grade hematite, Anshan iron &steel complex. 对鞍钢齐大山贫红铁矿进行了选矿小型试验、中型扩大试验及工业试验,介绍了新型高效阴离子捕收剂的研究发展情况。
- The author uses the EPC and ARIS toolset and process oriented analysisapproach to model the main business process of Capital steel Group such as sales and distribution, stock,production scheme and so on. 经过潜心研究,作者对首钢ERP系统主要业务流程:销售、采购、库存、生产计划,进行工作流建模和分析。 在工作流建模和分析的过程中,主要采用了较先进的建模技术事件驱动过程链(EPC)和ARIS工具集,以及面向流程的分析方法,符合企业面向流程管理的理念。
- However, senior fluid control experts believe that "from the Anshan Iron and Steel Complex in the middle can be seen as a signal. 不过,资深流体管专家则认为,“从鞍钢的螺纹钢复产可以看作一个信号。
- Sanming Iron and Steel Plant is the province’s first medium-sized iron and steel complex, can produce a variety of steel products. 三明钢铁厂是本省第一座中型钢铁联合企业,能生产多种钢材。
- Using method of mathematical statistics,the questionnaire investigation of safety awareness of staff in limestone mine of Benxi Iron &Steel Complex was done. 介绍了本钢矿业公司石灰石矿运用数理统计工具,开展对矿山职工进行安全意识问卷调查的情况。
- Capital Steel Heavy Auto Manufacturer 首钢重型汽车制造厂
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本。
- Referring to the production experience of these years in the No.3 steelmaking plant of Anshan Iron& Steel Complex, the relation between the breakout and the mold powders is set forth in the present paper, and some countmeasures are put forward. 结合鞍钢第三炼钢厂板坯连铸机多年来的生产实践,阐述了板坯连铸机粘结漏钢与结晶器保护渣的关系,并提出了一些防止漏钢的措施。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。