- Capital over budget 预算外资金
- They went over budget(= spent too much money). 他们超出了预算。
- The Congress often feuds with the President over budget matters. 在预算问题上国会与总统之间经常发生争吵。
- In these states the veto gives the governor leverage over budget decisions. 在这些州,否决权使州长可以影响预算决定。
- The project is late, not to mention the cost is already over budget. 该项目晚了,更不用说,花销已经超过预算。
- Let me see. Looking at this, if my calculations are correct, we are about three thousand dollars over budget? 我看看。看这状况,假如我算得没错,我们大约比预算多出了三千美金。
- The Taliban have stepped up their attacks in the Afghan capital over the past month. 在过去一个月里塔利班政府对阿富汗首都的袭击呈上升趋势。
- In 2003 anti-Thai riots swept Cambodia's capital over a rumoured nationalist slight by a Thai actress. 2003年,由于谣传一位泰国女演员[发表了]民族主义侮辱[言论],反泰骚乱席卷柬埔寨首都。
- In your opinion, why do so many software projects go over budget or fail to meet their original requirements? 在您看来,为什么那么多软件项目最后超出预算,或者不能达到最初的要求?
- Several flagship missions, such as the James Webb Space Telescope, have run over budget and need housecleaning anyway. 一些旗舰型的任务,例如詹姆斯.韦伯太空望远镜,因已超出预算,必须大加整顿。
- The authorities in Baghdad say up to 5 million pilgrims descended on the capital over the past week to visit the shrine of Imam Moussa Al-Kadhim. 巴格达官方表示,在过去的一个星期内,起码有5百万朝圣者来到巴格达参拜卡德希姆伊玛姆神庙。
- Their motto was to produce "quickly, cheaply and with quality", but "Umi" went over budget and over schedule. 他们的座右铭是制作要“又快、又经济、又保证品质”,可结果他们超出了预算和进度表。
- Period P&L critiques are prepared. highlighting plans &actions for areas over budget for the period. 准备了阶段盈亏评定表.;并强调出超支预算的计划行动
- The full extent of the disaster that befell the museum came to light only today, as the frenzied looting that swept much of the capital over the previous three days began to ebb. 这次降临在该博物馆的灾难的完整情况直到今天才被公众知晓,这时狂热的抢劫活动已经在过去的三天席卷了这个首都,并开始逐渐消退。
- Overall budget in KAMA Company is based on target profits.And the import of its over budget is on the basis of its different subsidies’ life stage. 并且以KAMA集团为案例,介绍了其以目标利润为导向,根据企业生命周期不同而确定不同的预算管理重点的全面预算管理体系。
- For example, if this argument is the text string "Over budget" and the logical_test argument evaluates to FALSE, then the IF function displays the text "Over budget". 例如,如果此参数是文本字符串“超出预算”,而且logical_test参数的计算结果为FALSE,则IF函数将显示文本“超出预算”。
- Ekoda elementary school had allotted an annual 40,000 yen (365 dollars) per student for lunches, but was going over budget, an education board official said. 日本教育部的官员介绍说,立荏子田小学每名学生一年的午餐经费是4万日元(365美元),但现在已经快超预算了。
- Some shareholder nations have claimed the bureaucracy is bloated and inefficient, resulting in endless wrangling between the board and management over budget issues. 一些股东国家则称,世界银行的官僚体系庞大臃肿、效率低下,导致董事会与管理层在一些预算问题上争吵不休。
- As formula one now grapples with the teams' major fight with the FIA over budget caps and governance methods, Scheckter told the BBC that he is appalled by the sport's leadership. 作为一级方程式现在抓斗的小组的主要斗争与FIA超过预算上限和治理方法,Scheckter接受BBC采访时说,他感到震惊的运动领导.
- The reactor that Areva is building in Finland might have dispelled worries about the commercial viability of new plants, were it not behind schedule and over budget itself. 由于核电厂的燃料和其他运作成本相对较低,建造成本相当于核能发电成本的四分之三。