- Capsule of zygapophyseal joint 椎骨关节突关节囊
- Patients in the experimental group received annular cauterization of zygapophysial joint capule using electro-knife and their articular facet was destroyed. 其中实验组术中电刀环状烧灼小关节囊,破坏关节面;
- Opening by valves,as the capsule of a lily or iris. 瓣裂的由荚分开的,例如百合花或蝴蝶花的荚膜
- The outer layer of cells of the spore-containing capsule of a moss. 蒴周层藓类孢子囊的外层细胞
- The radiofrequncy cleared the capsule of cyst and hemostasia. 结果术后随访10例,无感染和血管神经损伤,疗效满意。
- Objective: To measure the angles of zygapophysial joints and to investigate their internal regularity on lumbosacral vertebrae in order to provide the morphological data for clinical application. 目的:探讨腰骶椎关节突关节角的内在变化规律,为临床应用提供形态学依据。
- The left zygapophyseal joint was implanted with calcium sulfate tablet, and the right with iliac crest bone graft. [方法]建立家兔腰椎后外侧融合模型,以自身作为对照,双侧横突间植骨,左侧植入硫酸钙颗粒,右侧植入自体髂骨。
- The seed-bearing capsule of certain plants, especially cotton and flax. 棉,亚麻等植物的圆荚、钻、蒴某些植物种子发育的蒴,尤指棉花和亚麻
- The capsules of the synovial joints are lax. 滑液关节的关节囊都是松弛的。
- The capsules of plants have dehisced. 植物蕨果已裂开。
- Opening by valves, as the capsule of a lily or iris. 瓣裂的由荚分开的,例如百合花或蝴蝶花的荚膜
- Can capsule of A Mo Xilin treat the hot cold of snorty sneeze? 阿莫西林胶囊可以治流鼻涕打喷嚏的热感冒吗?
- The shape and area of the articular surface of the cervical zygapophyseal joint were observed aud mesured on 45 sets (25males aud 20 females) of adult dried skeleton unearthed from Tougliao district. 在45套(男25,女20)通辽地区出土的干燥成人骨骼标本上,观测了颈椎间关节关节面的形态和面积。
- Methods: Take the forearm extensor tendon insertion site off the extracondyle of humerus and have the anterior lateral aricular capsule of elbow joint shown. 方法:将前臂伸肌腱附丽从肱骨外髁处剥下,充分暴露肘关节前外侧关节囊。
- The seed-bearing capsule of certain plants,especially cotton and flax. 棉,亚麻等植物的圆荚、钻、蒴某些植物种子发育的蒴,尤指棉花和亚麻。
- Lumbar zygapophyseal joints asymmetry is the common anatomical abnormality in lumbar vertebra. 腰椎关节突关节不对称在临床上是比较多见的一种腰椎解剖学的异常。
- The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. 一再的拖延打乱了全部安排。
- Studies on the minor alkaloids from the capsule of Papaver nudicaule L. 野罂粟蒴果中微量生物碱的研究
- What is the action of capsule of yellow easy of third of ammoniac benzyl Xilin? 氨苄西林丙黄舒胶囊的作用是什么?
- Objective: To study the making of capsule of Jiangyaning from atractylodes. 目的:对降压宁胶囊的制备工艺及药效学进行初步研究。