- Car Rental By Local People 市民租车
- Six legislators were elected by local people. 当地人选举了六名立法委员。
- We were helped ashore by local people. 我们被当地人救上岸。
- The land is used by local people to graze their animals. 这块地当地人用来放牧。
- Listen to the Spooky Stories told by local people who once lead ordinary lives. 聆听曾实际经历过那段生活的当地人讲述的诡异故事。
- Article 109. Auditing bodies are established by local people's governments at and above the county level. 第一百零九条 县级以上的地方各级人民政府设立审计机关。
- Hundreds of ancient Namibian trees held sacred by local people have been illegally felled. 纳米比亚数百棵被奉为神明的树木被非法砍伐。
- In fact, there are two Hengshanlu home fashion store is frequented by local people. 其实衡山路上有两间家居小店也是时尚人士经常光顾的地方。
- Zhangye puppetry in the rural areas, cities and towns often performed by local people will be pleased to see the form of folk art. 木偶戏在张掖的农村、城镇经常演出,是当地人民喜闻乐见的民间艺术形式。
- The highest mountain in Shennongjia is Shennongding, the first peak in center of China.Shennong Jitan was built by local people in memory of Shennong. 这里有号称“华中第一峰”的神农顶,有当地人为纪念神农氏而建的神农祭坛,还有尚待证实的野人之迷。
- Soon after, was promoted to know Yunnan emerging states, a few years, people live and work in peace, not far from land resettlement, and loved by local people. 未几,被提拔为云南新兴知州,任职数年,百姓安居乐业,没有远徙他乡者,深受当地百姓爱戴。
- Please show me a list of your car rental rates. 请给我看看你们的租车价目表。
- Shenzhen Yuegangtong Car Rental Co,. Ltd. 深圳粤港通租赁公司。
- Domestic car rental industry is in a bad way? 国内汽车租赁业病在哪?
- Guests may continue usage of car rental. 或宾客可选择继续租用专车
- You can pay the rental by the month. 您可以按月缴付租金。
- Shanghai Da Zhong Car Rental Co. 上海大众出租营运公司。
- Appropriate measures should be undertaken by local people's governments at all levels to strengthen protection to the roads. 第四十三条各级地方人民政府应当采取措施,加强对公路的保护。
- Shanghai Zhen Hua Car Rental Co. 上海振华汽车租赁公司。
- At present, we have been an effective enterprise run by local people in this trade in Chinese mainland market for over 20-year development. 公司经过20多年的发展,目前在该行业已成为中国大陆市场中极具影响的民营企业。