- The recent preparation advances of methyldopa and carbidopa had been reviewed.18 documents were referenced. 综述了甲基多巴和卡比多巴这2种多巴类药物的合成方法进展,全文涉及了18篇参考文献。
- Objective To establish a method for determining four residual organic solvents in carbidopa. 目的建立卡比多巴原料药中有机溶剂残留量的测定方法。
- Results The effect of HD metoclopramide combining with other drugs is similar to that of other report s. 结果本组高剂量灭吐灵配合其它药物对顺铂引起呕吐的疗效接近于其它报道的疗效。
- OBJECTIVE To study the effects of metoclopramide (Meto)on the cAMP of serum and brain areas in morphine-dependent mice. 目的 观察甲氧氯普胺 ( metoclopramide,Meto)对吗啡依赖小鼠血清和脑区环磷腺苷 ( c AMP)含量的影响。
- Objective: To study the effects of metoclopramide(Meto) on morphine physical dependence in mice. 目的·· :观察甲氧氯普胺对吗啡身体依赖性的影响。
- For example, parkinsonism is a frequent complication of use of metoclopramide and most neuroleptic agents. 如帕金森神经功能障碍(parkinsonism)往往是应用甲氧氯普胺(metoclopramide)的合并症,神经安定药大多已有此反应。
- Metoclopramide increases the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter as well as facilitating gastric emptying. 胃复安促进胃排空的同时可以增加食道下端括约肌张力。
- Metoclopramide, in conjunction with an H2-receptor blocker, may be more efficacious. 胃复安联合H-2受体阻断剂或许更有效。
- They found that metoclopramide worked faster to quell symptoms of nausea and vomiting than droperidol. 他们发现胃复安比达哌啶醇能更快速地镇定呕吐和恶心的症状。
- A HPLC method for determination of metoclopramide nasal spray and its related substances was established. 建立了测定甲氧氯普胺鼻腔喷雾剂含量和有关物质的HPLC法。
- HPLC method for determination of metoclopramide nasal spray and its related substances was established. 建立了测定甲氧氯普胺鼻腔喷雾剂含量和有关物质的HPLC法。
- Metoclopramide Does Not Attenuate Cricoid Pressure-induced Relaxation of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter in Awake Volunteers. 胃复安不减弱清醒志愿者环状软骨压迫引起的食管下段括约肌松弛。
- Another effectie regimen combines metoclopramide on the morning of surgery and a nonparticulate antacid immediately prior to surgery. 另一个有效的措施是术晨使用胃复安联合术前立即使用非粒子类抗酸药。
- Another effective regimen combines metoclopramide on the morning of surgery and a nonparticulate antacid immediately prior to surgery. 另一个有效的措施是术晨使用胃复安联合术前立即使用非粒子类抗酸药。
- Conclusions HD metoclopramide combining with other drugs can get a satisfactory effect in the prevention of vomiting ... 结论高剂量灭吐灵配合其它药物对预防顺铂引起呕吐的预防有较满意的效果。
- Pergolide is in a class of medications called dopamine agonists and is used with leodopa and carbidopa to manage the symptoms (tremors and slowness of moement) of Parkinson's disease. 培高利特属于多巴胺激动剂,与左旋多巴和卡比多巴同时应用,用于控制帕金森氏症症状(震颤和运动迟缓)。
- In the vast rural areas due to the lack of health knowledge and have not allowed dosage, metoclopramide poisoning in children is more common. 在广大农村由于卫生知识的缺乏和用药剂量掌握不准,小儿胃复安中毒较为常见。
- The scientists compared use of the standard drug droperidol versus the administration of a newer medication called metoclopramide. 科学家们比较了常用标准药达哌啶醇和新药胃复安的服用。
- Metoclopramide, which has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, is used to treat gastric problems, nausea and heartburn in adults. 胃复安已得到美国食品和药品管理局的批准,用于治疗成人胃病,恶心和胃灼热。
- Objective To study the effect of high dose (HD) metoclopramide combined with other drugs in the prevention of vomiting caused by DDP. 探讨高剂量灭吐灵配合其它药物对顺铂引起呕吐的预防效果。